Was ist der unterschied zwischen leasen und finanzieren eines Autos? Und was findet ihr besser?
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Hallo, habe mir einen seat leon fr 1.4 150 PS Auto gekauft. Welche vor und Nachteile haben 18 Zoll Winter Felgen gegenüber einem 16 Zoll Winterreifen? Danke
Hello Catmommy04,
Finally, each person has to decide for himself what model comes into question and what needs are to be met (e.g. when leasing after the contract term, always a new vehicle).
We as a leasing company would like to mention a few advantages for vehicle leasing:
Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, we wish you a lot of success in your decision!
PS: For example, we also offer flexi leasing, you can decide if you want to finance the vehicle, for example.
“That means you can use your financial resources for other things”
If you already have advertising text, please do not fail;).
Can the best happen 🙂 thank you for the correction, once heard of grammar peedantry syndrome?
We help where we can help 🙂
Joa always happens to me (I really need a new keyboard). But on the other hand, I do not want to be a serious business thing :-).
I’m just thinking about whether reputable people want to cleanse a disease or a disease-like behavior to others in the first-best folly…
Leaseen is called renting and financing means buying.
I wouldn’t lease a car, I like it better if he heard me after three years.
Even at leasing, you could buy the car at the end, instead of returning it, but you paid much more than if you had financed it from the outset.
lease is renting, financing on rates buy
what do you think?
Leasing is usually not worthwhile for individuals.
Leaseen is on time to rent, then you return the car.
Financing is the purchase of the car that then belongs to you
If you finance it, it’s yours after you pay for everything. At leasing you rent the vehicle and don’t get it.