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1 year ago

Hello Catmommy04,

Finally, each person has to decide for himself what model comes into question and what needs are to be met (e.g. when leasing after the contract term, always a new vehicle).

We as a leasing company would like to mention a few advantages for vehicle leasing:

  1. Less monthly payments: Compared to car purchase or car subscription, the monthly payments for leasing are usually lower. This is because you only pay for the use of the car, not for the entire value of the vehicle.
  2. Low Upfront Costn: When you buy a car, you usually have to pay a larger deposit to finance the car. During leasing, the upfront costs are usually lower and can sometimes even be completely eliminated. When you recreate the entire rates you paid at leasing and compared to the loss of value of a new vehicle, the loss of value is usually much higher. This means that you can use your financial resources for other things.
  3. Regular vehicle updates: Since leasing contracts are usually limited to 2 to 4 years, you can regularly choose a new model. This means that you can drive a current and modern vehicle every few years.
  4. Low maintenance costs: During leasing, maintenance costs are often lower than when buying a car. In most leasing contracts, the vehicle maintenance and repair including oil change, tyre change and regular maintenance is included (ALL incl. leasing). You don’t have to worry if the car needs to be repaired.
  5. Flexibility and convenience: Leasing gives you the opportunity to drive a car without having to bind to the vehicle in the long term. If your needs or budget changes, you can simply return the car and choose a new model.
  6. Tax advantages: Most leasing contracts can be deducted taxly and your monthly burden is also reduced.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, we wish you a lot of success in your decision!

PS: For example, we also offer flexi leasing, you can decide if you want to finance the vehicle, for example.

1 year ago
Reply to  leasmobil

“That means you can use your financial resources for other things”
If you already have advertising text, please do not fail;).

1 year ago
Reply to  ThomasWeuster

Can the best happen 🙂 thank you for the correction, once heard of grammar peedantry syndrome?

1 year ago

We help where we can help 🙂

1 year ago

Joa always happens to me (I really need a new keyboard). But on the other hand, I do not want to be a serious business thing :-).

I’m just thinking about whether reputable people want to cleanse a disease or a disease-like behavior to others in the first-best folly…

1 year ago

Leaseen is called renting and financing means buying.

I wouldn’t lease a car, I like it better if he heard me after three years.

Even at leasing, you could buy the car at the end, instead of returning it, but you paid much more than if you had financed it from the outset.

1 year ago

lease is renting, financing on rates buy

what do you think?

Leasing is usually not worthwhile for individuals.

1 year ago

Leaseen is on time to rent, then you return the car.

Financing is the purchase of the car that then belongs to you

1 year ago

If you finance it, it’s yours after you pay for everything. At leasing you rent the vehicle and don’t get it.