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With “e” a ski resort in Austria.
Without “e” a word in the realm of fantasy.
Excuse me?
What don’t you understand?
Interesting and well written. A Celtic Gruss! And an axic!
I just said that. For me, Kitzbühel sounds somehow Aztec (Huixtocihuatl, Xochiquetzal), and since the Aztecs did not come across the sea, I just took the Celts. Random hit🤣, that I have actually found matching items after your question. So you just have to trust in asserting some supposed bullshit. 😇
I have a clear educational gap.
But hello! page.aspx?menuonr=218979866&detailonr=109986325
:- They were so “satisfied”?
You Schelm!
To date, only the origins of Kitzbühel have been heard. Apart from gloomy leads, there is nothing – maybe something Celtic originally.
Does it have to do with the Kitzler?
This word is not – pure imagination. The Austrian winter sports resort is called Kitzbühel.
Internet says Kitzbühel.
An e.
Wrong and correct spelling.
the spelling
Kitzbühl is not