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1 year ago
  • The Intracellular space refers to space within a cell. Here are the various cell components such as the cell nucleus, organelles and cell liquid.
  • The Intercellular space (lat. inter = circus) refers to space between the cells. This space allows the exchange of substances such as nutrients, oxygen and waste products between the cells.
  • The Extracellular space is the space outside the cells surrounding the cells. It consists of liquids such as blood plasma, lymph and tissue fluid.

As you have probably already noticed, both the intercellular space and the extracellular space relate to the space outside the cell, and the two terms are therefore often used as synonyms.

1 year ago

These are the spaces between (inter), outside (extra) and within (intra) a cell/cell

1 year ago

The second thing I think is outside the cell and one of the other two inside