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As far as I know:
Hibernate = resting condition. This means that the current memory is stored on the hard disk and the PC actually goes out. Even a power failure would not disturb this state. When you start the PC, the memory will be copied back from the hard drive and you can continue where you stopped.
Standby = Stand-By: The PC is not driven down 100%, but is in standby mode, as the name suggests. The power consumption is drastically reduced, but not at 0, since, for example, the RAM must be constantly supplied with power, otherwise its content is deleted.
Advantage Stand-By: The PC is ready to start within 1-2 seconds after switching on.
Disadvantage: Power failure = no continuation at the last point possible.
Advantage Resting state: PC really goes out and you can even disconnect the PC from the power.
Disadvantage: It is reserved on the hard drive (actually always C:) as much storage space as the RAM is large. In operation, there is therefore less storage