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5 years ago

The Uhu is the largest German owl bird. Boxes are significantly smaller.

There are owl birds like the snow owl. They bear the generic name.

5 years ago
 |--- Schleiereulen
 \--- Eigentliche Eulen (Strigidae)
        |- Uhus (Gattung)
        |- ....
        |- Strix (Diverse Käuze)
        |- ... diverse Einzelgattungen d. Käuze
        \- ....

Something like that. If you are interested in this, you can look at the systematics at Wikipedia if you do not have a corresponding book.

That is, Uhus and Käuze are owls, but not all owls are Uhus or Käuze.

The real owls are also purely visually a quite colorful pile.

5 years ago

As far as I know, owl is the preamble. The Uhu is the largest of our native owls. A chewing is also a subcategory of the owls.

5 years ago

Also Uhus and caustic are owls, with Uhus being substantially larger than caustic.