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The latter has a fan more, says Captain Obvious. In addition, can with three fans of the air flow rate higher and thus the cooling performance better.
Normally lower volume and better cooling, which keeps the temperatures somewhat lower. So the card doesn’t get so fast into the border area and clocks down.
the difference: a fan
The following: The models with three fans tend to be slightly cooler and quieter
The one has 2 fans, the other 3.
This is actually the main difference. Cards with 3 fans have most, but not always, the better cooling performance. Consider that aie tends to be quieter and models with more waste heat are also suitable.
However, the number of fans alone does not decide on the cooling performance, also the size and design of the fans, as well as the size and construction of the cooling body underneath.
1 fan difference
Temperature and price
Not necessarily.
A fan