Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesen SSD?
1TB SAMSUNG 970-EVO PLUS M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVME (L 3500MB/s ; S 3300MB/s)
1TB Kingston NV1 M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVME (L 2100MB/s ; S 1700MB/s)
Welcher lohnt sich mehr? Und warum?
1TB SAMSUNG 970-EVO PLUS M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVME (L 3500MB/s ; S 3300MB/s)
1TB Kingston NV1 M.2 PCIe 3.0 x4 NVME (L 2100MB/s ; S 1700MB/s)
Welcher lohnt sich mehr? Und warum?
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Welchen Unterschied vom rechnen gibt es zwischen dem zweiseitigen und dem einseitigen Hebel?
Kingston has been in storage technology for 20J longer than Samsung
The speed difference is negligible, as you don’t notice it in operation
The only thing I would research at the manufacturer: the guaranteed write rate and the warranty period
And even then I would still prefer the Kingston
also because of the grottenbad cache? ^^
Unlike Samsung, the Kingston will be able to hold the write rate, the Samsung stretches the whips as soon as the cache overflows
“Kingston has been in storage technology for 20J longer than Samsung“
Courageous statement considering that Samsung had RAM chips on the market before Kingston was founded at all.
Yes but is not much faster when it breaks down
Yes, here the lame QLC memory also contributes its part.
The Samsung SSD uses faster TLC storage.
Kingston’s NV1 has only SLC cache and not even DRAM cache.
More detailed:
After writing about 250gb, she bangs down to about 130-140mb/s
rarely comes again to 300mb/s high for a very short time but then always remains at about 140mb/s
The NV1 bangs down to 100 mb/s
The Samsung SSD is faster because it keeps 3.5gb and the Kingston hold 2.1gb per second
Both good plates… but always would prefer Kingston.
Samsung is already top.
One is good, the other is Mediocre.
I own Samsung in my system and this is sometimes faster than several Nvme SSDs.
Personally, I would take the Samsung as they are masters in storage technology (Samsung B-The RAM is seen in the Overclocking community as the holy Count, as these extreme speeds go along) and get really good products out in the direction.