Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Pistazien?
Marke “ja!” ist irgendwie günstiger warum?
Marke “ja!” ist irgendwie günstiger warum?
Ist Kaffee gleich das Koffein eas in Cola ist?
Hey ich hab seit gestern dicke Mandeln und Halsschmerzen und frage mich ob es egal ist welchen Tee ich trinke ? ich hab nur Limetten Holunder Tee also Beutel Tee
wie verwendet/benutzt eigentlich der Hersteller der M&M‘s die Insekten um diese Farben von Smarties, …herzustellen. Danke im Voraus!
ich hab heute 6 Tassen Kaffee getrunken und ich fühl mich nicht gut. Was könnte ich machen damit mir deswegen nicht mehr schlecht ist?
Hallo, ich habe vorgestern ABEND (21 Uhr) mir Pommes im Restaurant bestellt, diese aber nicht geschafft und mitgenommen. Seit dem liegen sie bei mir ihm Kühlschrank. Kann man sie noch ohne bedenken essen? Ich weiß nicht ob das dabei eine Rolle spielt aber in der Packung ist noch Mayonnaise.
The brand award. In return, there are larger discounts for the brands than for the nonames.
Qualitative is rarely a difference in unprocessed products. The own names of shops, such as YES! for example, are therefore so favorable to the shops often include large parts or the entire manufacturing and or logistics chain.
For example, Lidl has entire factories and has own drivers, own logistics centers etc. While the money is paid to these middlemen, they must therefore be just one manufacturer.
Probably the same is true about the Rewe Group.
Yes! Is the trade mark (transverse-language trademark) of Rewe such as e.g. good and cheap of Edeka. Trademarks do not need marketing which is a high cost driver and if the omission can be sold cheaper. Many brands, by the way, produce in the Selben factories such as the brands themselves, so the quality is even identical in many cases.
Because Ültje is a brand product and you pay the name.
The best pistachios are by the way “Trador Joe`s”. Aldi.
And Trador Vic’s in the basement of the Bavarian court had good cocktails in 20003. My Favourite: Dr. Funks Son.
What was in the cocktail?
Well, I lived vicariously through you. Was mostly in gay pubs, at my time. No, your daddy can’t be.
Scissor. Sweetheart!
Unfortunately not. I only visited a friend in 2003 for 4 days who settled in Munich. She invited me to the trader Vic’s. I don’t know Munich that much. My corner is more Aachen, Cologne, Düsseldorf and in Berlin I used to live for a few years.
Is there Harry’s in Mû? That was a long time ago. You know.
Definitely one of the best cocktail bars I’ve ever been.
You gourmet. It was in Mü at DM times, but never in the Bairian court.
Trader Vic’s was in LA too.
Straw instead of gloves.
Looked like a volcano and was expensive at DM times.
Refined. Gloves?
The drink sounds delicious.
The horniest thing was that the glass had a conical shell of ice from outside.
Own mark = no additional charge (:
Hi, DarkPanterrr.
“Yes” is the trademark of Rewe, while Ültje is a foreign provider.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
The surcharge is for the brand name, as with other products also 🤷 ♀️
The content is therefore not worse, but not so rarely better than that of a brand product.
California, baby.
Tough pistachios are roasted without fat, which does not sweet with the Ja Pistachios whether they have been roasted with or without fat.