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Sorry, I don’t know what you mean. In other words, a screen photo of the device concerned and this screen would help.
Normally, you have the option to store a phone number either on the SIM card or on the device (in the contacts there).
And if your local data on the phone in the “contacts” are then synchronized with an account somewhere in the cloud (i.e. on a provider’s server), then that’s another, more question.
Of course, you can do this by syncing your contact details with your online account, for example, with Google or Apple.
The difference is where the number is stored.
On Sim means that it is stored on the Sim card in your phone.
On email, it is stored on the server of the email provider.
The latter is somewhat more sensitive to data protection.
You do not store anything “to the email address” but just to the corresponding account on Google/Apple/Wasauchimmer. It is then synchronized online and can be retrieved from other devices.
20 years ago, contacts were stored on the SIM card, which is no longer a person.
When saving on the SIM card, the number is stored on the SIM card stuck in the smartphone. If you remove the SIM card, the entry is also out of the address book.
If you plug the SIM card into another smartphone you have the number in the address book.
When saving on the email address, your Google, Applet, etc. account linked to the smartphone is meant. You have saved numbers in the address book from all devices that are also linked to this account.
Okay, that’s good with e-mail when you lose your phone.
Yes, since the data is stored online here.
So you will then buy a smartphone and connect it to your existing account you have your address book stored there again.
It is also practical if you have several devices and can synchronize the address books online.