Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Copd und Asthma?
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Fühlt sich das gleich an? Oder anders?
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A COPD is a chronic instructive brochitis. This means that the airways in the bronchi are narrowed.
difficulty in exhaling, ejecting or Charming coughs are the guiding symptoms.
Asthma, on the other hand, is a narrowing of the alveolas, so it can no longer be exhaled. The bronchial muscle has become cramped.
COPD – chronic
Asthma – akut
Asthma is also a chronic disease characterized by bronchial hyperreagiability. As a result, the bronchis are ignited and the typical asthmasymptoms occur.
Akut is asthma only in the case of an asthma attack.
I myself have light asthma and it lies with me also in the family, that is, it is inheritable
A friend from my family unfortunately has COPD and the symptoms are a bit worse than with me
Here, please:
COPD or asthma? | COPD (copd-aktuell.de)