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1 month ago

DC: 3 pin connection. Changes the voltage that comes to the fans to control the speed

PWM: 4 pin connection. The voltage remains constant at 12V and regulates the fan speed when the fan motor is switched on/off rapidly.

PWM allows more accurate fan control and a greater range of speeds and is the preferred modern standard when it comes to fan control.

1 month ago

DC fans operate with a uniform DC voltage, which can then usually be regulated between 5/7 to 12 volts depending on the fan model for a speed influence.

In the case of PWM, however, the basic working voltage is always at 12 volts, which can then be pulsed in variable time intervals by a 4 line connection, depending on the required rotor power/speed.

1 month ago

PWM is better if you want a weakly rising fan curve because they are better controllable. In addition, PWM fans are supposed to be more durable, but none of the two fan types have yet to be stretched.