Was ist der Unterschied?
Hallo an alle Leser sowie Antworter,
Also was ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen “Körperfett” und “Köpergewicht”? Wie kriegt man die separate weg also Köperfett wegbekommen ohne sehe viel Köpergewicht zu verlieren.
Schöne Grüße
! Your body weight is the total weight of your body with muscles, bones, water etc.
Body fat is only the fat content of your body. If you don’t want to lose weight but want less body fat, you should build muscles-so you lose fat but no body weight. Since muscles are heavier than fat, you could actually become heavier and still lose body fat.
This is well explained in the nutritional programme
How to get rid of fat
Maybe this link is interesting for you:
https://puregym.swiss/fr/die-wissenschaft-hinter-dem-abnahme.html#:~:text=Dein%20K%C3%B6rperweight%20e%20 total mass,Fett%20and%20viszeral%20Fett%20isolated.