Was ist der Sinn des Lebens eurer Meinung nach?
Was haltet ihr vom Sinn des Lebens und was ist eure Antwort dazu Lg und danke schonmal
Was haltet ihr vom Sinn des Lebens und was ist eure Antwort dazu Lg und danke schonmal
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Hello Ssss173,
the question of the meaning of life depends from my view basically very closely with the Question about God together. Why? Well, if there is a God who created us, then knows he also exactly what purpose we should have.
However, No God, then we have to somehow define the meaning of our lives. Then you would ask yourself why, after so long a time, man still seeks the meaning of it without having really found it.
That God exists is out of question for many. Just how ingenious we humans and all other beings are designed, according to the feeling of many, reveals the hand of a creator and designer. Even a single cell has such a complex structures that any man-built machine far exceeds it.
Molecular biologist Michael Denton, known in the art, once wrote about the genius of such a “simple” cell: “Molecular biology has shown that even the simplest living systems on Earth, the bacterial cells, are highly complex. Although the smallest bacterial cells are incredibly small, … each cell is a real microminiature factory with thousands of brilliantly designed subsystems of a complicated molecular machine consisting of a total of hundreds of billion atoms, puts into the shadow of every machine manufactured by humans and is in the unlived world without parallelism” (Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, page 250).
Or we think of the qualities and abilities that characterize us as human beings, such as love, selflessness, our self-perception, language and intelligence, love for beauty and art, as well as the deeply rooted religiosity. How should all this be attributed to a more or less directionless and random development?
In the book Life Ascending is added: “If we ask ourselves how a process that resembles gambling and punishes the losers hard, should have created characteristics like love, beauty and truthfulness, compassion, freedom and above all the comprehensive human spirit, then we are facing a mystery. The more we think about our spiritual possibilities, the first we are”. That’s true!
So if we assume that there is a God, then he I’m sure we can tell us why we’re here. This God, who has brought forth heaven and earth, has revealed us in the Bible, and in it we also find the meaning of our life.
When you return to the beginning of humanity’s history, it is noticeable that God has already made contact with man at that time. After placing him in the garden of Eden, for example, he gave him instructions regarding the cultivation and care of the garden and his handling of the animals.
The first two people also had the opportunity to communicate directly with God. As long as they had an undisturbed relationship with God, they were happy and satisfied. But it shouldn’t be that long.
People decided to live very early independent by God. They refused to let anything be said by God; instead they wanted a lot Self decide what was good and correct for them (see the report in Genesis 3:1-5). They thought a life without God would make her happier.
What seemed very tempting at first turned out to be a great error in the aftermath. And isn’t this exactly the problem when it comes to the question of the meaning of life? Is not a life Other Oh, my God. Of course, one can also seek sense and fulfillment in marriage and family or a professional career. But then there is not still a very important element in life? Many have this feeling anyway.
What does the Bible recommend? What makes her realize about the meaning of life? For example, she says, “Search the Lord as long as he lets himself find him, calling him as long as he is close” (Isaiah 55:6, Unit translation). And in another place, it says, “Come on, and he will come close to you” (Jacobus 4:8). So God wants us to close relationship to him. Do we want this? Will our lives not be happier and more fulfilled when God plays a role in our lives?
In any case, Jesus Christ was convinced, for he once said in the famous mountain sermon, “They are those who are aware that they need God” (Matthew 5:3). Actually, we are back to the starting question: We human beings have been created with the need to understand the meaning of our lives, and this can us God answer.
Thus, one can understand much better what Jesus meant when he said elsewhere: “Man needs more than just bread to life. He also lives from every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4, New life.The Bible).
Finally, I would like to mention an important point: Even if one leads a life with God, one is still old, sick and one day dies. Also, as the servant of God, one is not spared from bad fates, such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc. Therefore, God has provided a much better life for us that is free from pressure and misery.
In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, the future life awaits those who love God as follows: “See! The tent of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe away every tear from her eyes, and death will no longer be, nor will mourning, nor scream, nor pain be more. Previous things have passed” (Revelation 21:3,4).
In short, the Bible promises a life in a future beautiful paradise on earth, where everyone will live a meaningful and happy life! Then the words will be fulfilled, which were expressed a long time ago in a song:
” But the gentle men will possess the earth, and they will truly have their will in the fullness of peace” (Psalm 37:11). Wouldn’t it be very nice to live on an earth where peace and quiet prevails to the greatest possible extent? Why not strive for such a life and realize that right here the real meaning of our lives?
LG Philipp
To live according to the most important commandment of Jesus:
Love your neighbor like yourself.
Enjoy the blessings of God. Holiday, good food, nice apartment… But also be there for the next. Neighbourhood help, prayer, donate, help in organizations…
I am thrilled by these hopes:
Maggie Gobran, Maria Luise Praen-Bruni, Tabea Oppliger, Burghard Schunkert, Kathy Izard, Denis Mukwege, Jen Bricker, Bethany Hamilton, Andrea Wegener, Ron Hall, Riley Banks-Snyder, Mandy Harvey, David Togni, Christine Caine, Stephan Maag, Sabine Vogel..
Tobias Merkle – Founder of the aid organization “Hope carriers.”
Many great projects in Germany and worldwide.
Zahai Röschli Founder of Children’s village Selam in Ethiopia.
Thousands of children were taken as orphans in the village. Many young people have been able to attend a very good school and then receive training. What a single orphanage should become has become two large villages.
Nick Vujicic – Topp-Motivator for thousands of people.
“If I can do anything without having legs and arms, you can do it too!”
Don & Deyon Stephens Founder couple of Mercy Ships
Ships bring medical assistance to the poorest African states.150.000 larger OPs to this day.
Rosi Gollmann Founder of andheri help
Among other things, they and their team were responsible for 1,000,000 eye operations in Bangladesh.
Joni Eareckson Tada – Founder of joni and friends
Joni was a young sports student. It has been paralyzed since a bathing accident. Often she has hardly any tolerable pain. Got breast cancer and a Covid disease. Nevertheless, it helps countless other people with disabilities.
Klaus-Dieter and Martina John Founder couple of “Diospi Suyana’
They built a modern hospital for the Quechua Indians in the Andes of Peru. It was planned without start capital, built without state aid, alone with donations and trust in God’s support. Over 400,000 treatments to date.
Michael Stahl Founder of protactics
He has set up an organization that works for children and young people who experience bullying.
To support such people is also the meaning of life for me.
I found my sense. My mind, maybe it helps you:
Of course you can have fun. One can do meaningfully, for example, help people, be there for others, use for the environment or donate money. I’m thinking of fair trade.
I’m Christ. Many people believe that God gives meaning to life. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
Life is the point. Not the material life with money earning, eating, drinking and other biological functions, but the real life of the soul. Without soul no life, without life no meaning.
Happy and happy. However, I could not say exactly one way to achieve that, every individual makes something else happy.
Pleasure to God (Rev.21,4).
The meaning of life is that we do not know what happens after him.
In my opinion, it’s the mysticism that comes with it.
Easy, there’s no one.
I like to see this from a purely scientific perspective. We are here because our ancestors were viable and had a reproductive drive. That’s all it is.
In my 58-year journey through the mistakes and confusions of life I have at least found out that everyone has to find the meaning of life for themselves. My grandma is just 103, now has for the first time a hearing aid that also works and finally understands me again, but still we both have not yet been able to find a better answer to this question, so good luck ;D
In my opinion, the essential meaning of life is to seek God, to believe in Him and to live for His will. In this way it is possible to find the actual life and a meaning that extends far beyond earthly life to eternal life in glory with God.
Purely biological: reproduction and thus preservation of the species.
However, looking at the psychological aspect of the meaning of a life, causes much more effort and depth to give a satisfactory answer to this question! Because that in the reproduction and preservation of the species, at least until then, the meaning of life exists, is an ancient, almost stereotype general knowledge! Descripting the meaning of life requires the readiness to philosophical profoundness, which requires a reflection on life and a certain degree of life experience. What is uncomfortable and not everyone’s thing, at least not those of sober thinking and acting people!
Right – I could write novels about it.
However, the homo sapiens has developed a self-destructive characteristic (word: nuclear weapons).
So there is still a certain degree of psychological maturity.
Then there would be no infertility.
Sad, but true.
Intense projects are not currently being carried out in the direction of colonization of the moon or planet Mars.
However, the entire nuclear-destructive potential would be quite suitable for “dissolving in air” our home planet. This would inevitably tear our moon and probably also have consequences for the inner plants (e.g. Mars).
No matter – in approx. 5 billion years, our sun blows up to a “red giant” anyway and swallows us completely… 😉
BTW: Would I be happy if you would respond to my friendship request. You seem to be very interested in my contributions and consider them mostly positive.
I am thinking of the destruction of our environment by the possessions of the human being, to which I also count nuclear weapons!
ONLY: You will be waiting for a “psychic maturity” of political decision-makers for free! Man will only stop striving for “progress” when the end of homo sapiens is in the house! We have already opened the door to this development, the introduction of our end! So that a reversal would have to be completed by now!
To love life and his fellow men.