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The meaning of inoculation is to build up total or partial immunity to viral diseases. Humans are resistant to viruses if they have antibodies which prevent a viral spread within the body. This resistance or immunity is achieved on a natural basis when the person has infected himself with a virus and his body has successfully defeated it. However, this process can also be very dangerous or the viral disease can lead to severe symptoms. The vaccination stimulates the body artificially to produce antibodies. In very many (but not entirely all) cases the clearer method.
The English word for imfpung is “vaccination”. The word comes from the Latin “Vacca” (in German “Kuh”) and goes back to the origin of the vaccination. At that time it was about poxes. At the end of the 19th century, English doctors discovered that man is largely imun against the pox when he is given cow-pox viruses. Since then, medicine has developed much further. Today there are various forms of vaccines such as live vaccines, totim vaccines, vector vaccines and mRNA vaccines. Here more.
I am surprised that you ask this question! Each layman should have the competence to respond properly.
Immunization by vaccination is one of the most important and effective measures to protect against infectious diseases. With a high rate of vaccination, individual pathogens can be erased regionally or even worldwide.
Above all, you should get in the right place > STIKO.
There are combination vaccines, such as Tetravac > Protection against Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Diphtheria.
In many patients with Herpes Zoster there is a post Zoster neuralgia. The pain is unbearable, can last years and are very difficult to treat. Protects a double vaccination with Shingrix.
Vaccination against pneumococcines protects against bacterial diseases, such as bacterial pneumonia.
In the case of persuasive vaccinators, however, one speaks against a wall, since these are not accessible to any arguments. Luckily this concerns the minority.
Just wonder why and how they got to this solid anti-impedfoil production….
Everyone could be happy to stay healthy and that for the price of a small pieck.
But perhaps these people also met the other side on which perfectly healthy people are suddenly ill and their lives were over….
You mean the vaccinations against Covid 19. You know my opinion and yours. We have discussed this with you in many questions. If you know people who have died due to vaccination, the obduction reports would be of interest. Did you have any insight into this?
I’ve let myself be vaccinated voluntarily. As is known, vaccinations prevent a serious clinical course, no ITS under intubation/ecmo. Unfortunately, there are people who cannot understand or want to. These even include some doctors!
There was no one in Germany! vaccination, with the exception of medical care staff, for the protection of vulnerable persons. This was also cancelled.
Since you like to link You Tube movie, exceptionally!! a link from me:
Thank you, beamer!
I’m sure you’re welcome.
Yeah, but the nurses were about not going so long. And since vaccinations had and have a much lower risk for a heavier (and also longer) course, vaccination was useful.
I personally have Interest I have seen. (Sickness: peritonitis)
and the a doctorbut of all doctors, who were involved in my case.
I myself was with none the doctors connected professionally, because I myself am no medical device. I’m also compulsory, not a private patient.
please explain to me your “logical conclusions” and explain to me exactly what you want with this sentence:
A doctor always gets his money, whether the patient lives or dies, that’s true.
Then why didn’t you just let me die?
only as a hint of you:
what you generally support doctors here repeatedly and again negatively, I give myself with answers like:
“You just had luck!” not satisfied.
Now at all the conferences and the professionals of the various disciplines, it is not possible to understand such a message (below) – so I don’t understand it.
Of course, he is eticly committed to saving every human life. Question remains for me, how great his interest – his commitment – really is…
In the end, it doesn’t matter, he gets his money, or whatever, whether someone died or not.
Sorry, rarely read something like that. From a professional relationship? A doctor helps every patient, whether oncologist, radiation therapy, dermatologist, gynecologist, orthopaedic etc. However, each patient has the right to refuse therapy even if it is life-saving. To this end, the patient’s signature is necessary to secure the doctor.
A FA for legal medicine works with the Kripo, performs obductions through > internal and external corpses, with unclear cause of death. In addition, a legal physician is still responsible for the 2nd corpse show in crematoria, which is now compulsory in all German Länder.
In oncological patients, doctors usually decide on the optimal therapy in the tumor conference. Doctors of differentiated disciplines take part in a tumor conference, chirug, oncologist, radiation therapist, the pathologist who reviewed the tissue sample.
Don’t know both – and are you feeling better now?
You can also imagine yourself a lot…but maybe you’re lucky and find a colleague of professional union Then you want to help, especially still can.
Also a nice weekend.
What new means?
The drugs are certainly not new!
Under Madopar, an augmentation occurs very quickly. Pramipexol is rarer. This is in this thread however off topic.
That’s what I’ve written. I would not reject cancer therapy in the case of:
OP > RO Resection,
differentiated chemotherapy. With a so-called down staging > combined radio/chemotherapy, one can reduce a large carcinoma so that there is operability,
precise radiation therapy,
Immunotherapy with the appropriate drugs, such as mononuclear antibodies.
I would reject a palliative chemo! This attempts to curb or reduce the growth of metastases. This does not always succeed and more often a palliative chemo is aborted due to cachexie and deterioration of the AZ of patients.
Many patients are afraid of a chemo, especially of side effects such as nausea and vomiting. – Yes.
Nowadays, before the actual infusion with the corresponding cytostatics, a combination of medications that prevent these side effects is at least well alleviated, predominantly via the port catheter. The NW also depend on the cytostatics, e.g. cisplatin is highly enemic.
Nice weekend!
Of course not because otherwise it would have been a “new therapy” from which I actually have no idea – and I just write about what I definitely know it might have a chance to help.
As you know, I’m not a medic, so I can’t “treat” you.
A lot of success with your promising “new means”.
Oh, you know, I’m diagnosed or I’m not gonna let you put it, and at some point everything’s over…
You decide how to therapie yourself. Depending on the diagnosis, the shot could go back quickly.
Not yet!
You recommended me a therapy of alternative medicine to RLS. This was certainly well meant, but this alternative therapy does not contain active ingredients such as Levodopa + Benserazid, Pramipexol.
Don’t mean evil! I trust renowned RLS specialists > Ms. Professor Dr. med. Claudia Trenkwalder more than lay people from the net.
See. I wish you at least the do not have to experience.
Sure! An excellent radiation therapist. If I suffer from a malignant tumor and need radiation therapy, I will consult him. At beamer, I’m in the best hands.
What was also nonsense under light, because vaccinations could also be “vaccinated” carriers of the virus – right?
Well, you see this on YouTube not only movies are shown against vaccination.
O.k. These people there are unfortunately completely unprepared had been. O.k. did not claim that a condition of any kind is something nice. Vitamins and trace elements are essential for health who thinks “that works already” without doing anything against infection that deceives enormously.
If I go out of the house for shopping today, the first way to the closet where I store my algovir is a nasal spray that prevents a virus from entering my nasal mucosa can also add a glutch gum bonus with Cistus Incanus and also squirt tablets with red algae extract for the mouth Rachen upper airways.
From September/October I start with Angocin (preparation with Kapuziner Kresse, mustard and horseradish oils) three times a day two pieces – should I have any symptoms – also like more.
Everyone can do it as he likes.
I have seen the images of ITS today well than I have seen seven years ago, ten of the most diverse hospitals in the nearer and further surroundings –
You know in what context….
“Attention” in front of your professional group “Arzt” is absolutely broken and lost.
As a neurologist open (in about) to me meant: “they all had a calculator in their chest pocket to reflect whether a treatment was even profitable and lonely” or in a discussion, “you can no longer imagine the young nurses to look at the misery”….
Most of the choices are in my opinion that it is for protection, it prepares the immune system for the real disease and if the immune system can fight the disease, we remain healthy and therefore no one sticks.
So if someone was vaccinated, for example, against children’s paralysis (Polio), mumps, measles, robes, then he remained healthy in contact, or not?
This should be a question of how you define “healthy”.
Because this person also takes up pathogens of the corresponding craziness. But since the immune system already knows these pathogens, it can rule much faster. Consequently, many infected do not notice this defense measure (= they remain “healthy”) or have only such a mild course of illness that they do not recognize this dangerous (in some cases fatal) disease.
It’s always possible to get sick anyway. However, the disease becomes more harmless because the immune system already knows the pathogens (from vaccination). For example, in the case of corona; You can get it despite vaccination, but sometimes you are earlier healthy or it is more harmless.
Let’s hope the best for the vaccinations.
Thank you for your praise. However, I would like to admit that this argumentation is not a new invention, but the argumentation that has been mentioned for at least 30 years (maybe since the invention of inoculation) as a justification for inoculation.
I’d rather be wondering if there’s someone who doesn’t know yet.
Well, that’s a nice explanation.
I am very surprised that you are asking this question about the years of the pandemic. It’s surprised because hardly anyone as much as you were told how vaccinations work, what they do, what they’re vaccinating. It’s not surprising, though, because you don’t want to understand. You have already been given a lot of correct answers. In the end, all your answers will be accepted. The main purpose of vaccinations is to prevent the risk of serious diseases. All vaccines do that. The prevention of contagion and transfer is “nice to have”, but cannot be achieved depending on the pathogen. In the case of mutating viruses such as influenza or corona, in the case of non-mutating pathogens such as the measles virus already.
Basic course of biology, and that has been explained to you for years. What is so difficult to understand?
Tatsächlich sind alle Deine Antwortoptionen zutreffend.
Zudem ist die Impfpraxis längst so weit fortgeschritten, sodass mittels Impfungen nicht nur gegen virale Erkrankungen eine Immunität erzeugt werden kann. Auch bakteriellen Infektionen lässt sich mittels Impfungen vorbeugen (um hier die Antworten so genannter “Community-Experten” richtig zu stellen bzw. zu ergänzen).
Impfungen gehören zu den wirksamsten und wichtigsten präventiven Maßnahmen auf dem Gebiet der Medizin. Moderne Impfstoffe sind im Allgemeinen sehr gut verträglich. Nur in sehr seltenen Einzelfällen kommt es zu gravierenden Nebenwirkungen bzw. Komplikationen nach einer Impfung. Ziel einer Impfung ist es, sich selber sowie auch andere Menschen vor einer Infektionskrankheit zu schützen und schwere Krankheitsverläufe (schlimmstenfalls mit bleibenden Folgeschäden oder gar Todesfolge) zu vermeiden. Das Impfen gegen einen bestimmten Erreger verhindert zwar nicht zwangsläufig eine Erkrankung, sorgt aber mindestens für einen milden Verlauf.
Als medizinisches Fachpersonal sowie als Mitarbeiter in der Mikrobiologie eines humanmedizinischen Labors lasse ich mich unter anderem von meinem Betriebsarzt gegen alles mögliche impfen. Denn gerade im Labor habe ich (potentiell) mit sehr vielen verschiedenen Krankheitserregern zu tun. Auch auf andere Schutzmaßnahmen muss ich da pingelig genau achten, da ich die Erreger keinesfalls nach draußen tragen will.
Liebe Grüße.
That is at least the main sense, besides others of the mentioned.
I think vaccinations are very important, even if I have actually reacted to vaccination with severe but not permanent side effects. (I was also pointed out by the doctor on the side effects + protection afterwards) I followed the WHO vaccination recommendation. It was probably superfluous, especially as in the year there comparatively few mosquitoes were flying (transmitters) and the quite few mosquitoes were also well held by DEET. The WHO recommendation also went only towards a longer stay there +! in rural areas. And that’s what I planned and made it. But it would have been different at that time. The real few mosquitoes were unusual.
I do not do any possible vaccination, but only if recommended. For example, before my last move, I had to inoculate myself against FMSE, but also only then because FMSE – risk area, because I am a pretty tick magnet (and yes Borreliose I already had – there is unfortunately still no vaccination for people in Germany), with the crazy thing that I have captured a single tick in my new home so far.
What I find impressive is that even doctors prejudge the need for vaccination and possibly even read in before. But then they always come to the same result as I- I’m researching before.
PS: Due to the war, not damaged villages are still falling if they are not tourist magnets. In MEINEM village there are only relatively few buildings – my village seems to be coveted. But in the neighboring city- no tourist magnet is falling in a great deal, but in the houses I would not want to live.
It just lacks the money for a restoration.
My farm is protected by monument and I do not have the money to completely restore the farm. But one roof had to be made absolutely, has cost me over 60,000. My daughter told me to just let the building fall down because I don’t need DIESES building. But I couldn’t get it over my heart because I probably fell in love with the history of the whole property. And the view of an increasingly falling roof is also just sad. But the restoration was really expensive and quasi my PRIVAT pleasure – had NOT received any subsidies.
When you ask me what I would do with a high lottery win, my estate is first to arrive because my farm is historically real something special. The preservation of this is not without reason. But without a lottery win, this is NOT feasible
Many vaccinations are there to imitate the pathogen virtually, so that your body forms and combats it. Thus you will not necessarily be protected from getting sick, but by the already existing antibody the course of the disease becomes very milder
So I never let myself in my life. My parents somehow didn’t come on such a thought – and so vaccination was never communicated to me earlier .Muss new – thank you.
If it’s not sooo new, it’s been explained to me as a child. but does not concern any vaccination, I know that there are others who do otherwise, but I don’t know that exactly as I could explain it
This way of thinking could not be really new, because that was exactly the argument of my pediatrician over 30 years ago when he went through my vaccination book, with regard to necessary refreshment vaccinations.
Basically, all the answers are correct, even though some are not the main ones.
By vaccination, for example, the danger of infection is not directly combated, but rather as a result of an immunization of the great mass in humans.
and what if a vaccination is just not the is it?
What do you mean? If too few are vaccinated? Then only the vaccinations are protected, but the danger of infection for the non-immunisers is then still high depending on the pathogen.
I understand, and I’m okay.
I see it differently.
Well, Coronaviruses have been there for a long time. But the mutations are always new variants, just like the 2019s, which unfortunately was particularly intense.
The coronavirus was a modified – beileibe No new virus – what really was our luck.
Then the “new vaccination” with all its possible side effect would have made any sense…
Well, probably a “never ending story.”
Don’t have time for YT tutorials. Healthy life seems to be his motto. Fine. But does not really help against new pathogens that our bodies cannot know. How to see at Covid-19.
And how do you do that without vaccination?
If you hadn’t had it without my opinion – of course only as long as you brought your immune system to the fore – even without vaccination. ;o)
If you mean the Covid vaccinations, the main reason for the vaccination was that the course of illness remains weak. The fact that the danger of attachment can also decrease is a good side effect.
I vaccinated 6x with Biontech, and actually I had a positive test for a “cold” a few months ago (and for the first time). I didn’t have more than light symptoms.
No, if like the mRNA vaccine, for example, does not feel protected (i.e. all around you are sick despite vaccination) and so despite vaccination can still get sick.
In principle, almost all of the specified options are correct.
And these options do not work for themselves and exclude the other reasons, but always work together.
…and in the new Corona mRNA vaccination also or can you get sick despite vaccination? So not only mildly ill but violently.
This also applies in the same way to the new mRNA vaccines, even as a result of this, almost no one becomes sick in the media.
“almost” because no 100% statements are possible in medicine, because every human being is somewhat different and has other immune systems that may be weakened by pre-disorders (too high residual sensitivity to the disease and even to the weakened vaccines) or also strengthened (overreactions). However, the rate of these “vaccination damage” is by high factors below the residues of health damage caused by the original disease.
However, mRNA vaccines are really dangerous only in a spiritual way for some homeopathy followers. These are so strongly convinced by the danger (not present in fortune) that the associated nocebo effect can cause not only mental disorders but also real physical diseases.
If you read what I wrote, you can easily find that I did NOT write exactly what you say.
What I wrote is that all people are different. So that generalizing statement, like “all”, are usually not valid for all people. And further statements from me were that:
— there are quite real vaccination damage (although in small numbers).
— there are also people who deliberately spread vaccination. And that this panic of vaccination can cause mental disorders (like panic) in the case of light-believing people, which in turn can lead to real physical diseases. These people then actually have real physical diseases, just what is the real trigger of these diseases, that can be doubted.
Interesting so all those vaccinated are just getting mentally ill.
This is not the reality – for example, in my surroundings this is completely different.
Probably this is an effect of subjective cognition: one always only sees exactly what one wants to see and hides everything else.
That is why in medical research there are expensive test methods instead of subjective experience reports. In the studies with double-blind procedures, such self-containing agents are excluded.
Well, I’m living around me completely different that doesn’t cough and cough…
Generally to influence malfunctions in the body.
Vaccinations lead the body to an active substance which, for example, brakes an overreaction, replaces a missing hormone (insulin), kills bacteria, restarts blocked functions and much more. Vaccinations are often necessary for survival!
I spray myself once a week with a chemotherapeutic agent and get very clear! 😊
Are you sure you got the question right?
This is especially about vaccinations.
Your answer looks like you write “spinning” or other therapeutic treatments and not just inoculation.
Okay, I’ve described injecting.
I thought it was generally about spraying and not specifically about immunization. We have acquaintances who are vaccinators and reject everything in terms of syringes.
What you say is bullshit!
Then improve me politely and don’t offend me full!!!
Thank you.🙋🏻 ♀️
Thank you. It’s mommed!
You have to ask them and not me. If I weren’t squirting, my bones would certainly be as beaten as those of my dead cousin.
Our acquaintances have 3 guys, two of which have illnesses. These are “treated” with heukügelchen and similar stuff. The Great is a student and has secretly been inoculated against Corona… the words don’t need more.
And if one of the acquaintances
to type 1 diabetes?
would then also be the
rejected insulin injections?
Well, you’d rather die in a good way than
💉💉 Insulin💉💉💉 spray?
This is the main point!
This is like driving the seatbelt protects and does not necessarily save any accident, it can even in a few cases increase body damage, but we all buckle on….
….and, in spite of much more traffic on the roads, there are significantly fewer severe injuries and only less than a quarter of deaths.
I’m just going to be invading Tetanus, I think that’s sensible. I don’t think I’m making fun of a wound star.
I don’t need anything else and I don’t have to burden my body with it.
If I were someone who often travels abroad or to the tropics, I would research and rethink the whole thing again.
So I think of the iron lung that was certainly not “lusty”. or if a woman suffers from rubbish in pregnancy. It makes sense for me.
At 35/36 I got windpox from the kindergarten. There was really no place of the body that wasn’t without a Pocke – you what I was sick….
For me it was completely unknown at the time that there was the possibility to be inoculated….
Swallow – Wikipedia