What is the detection of the charge of alpha particles?

I have to give a presentation on Rutherford by February. I chose the subtopic "Detection of positive alpha particles," but I can't find any evidence of it. Can someone explain this to me?

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2 years ago

The Lorentz force acts on a beam of alpha particles in a magnetic field. The deflection direction of the beam indicates the particle charge.

2 years ago

In its scatter experiment, detection was carried out via a light screen or Photographic screen, which was placed around the film once, to measure the angular dependence of the scattering.

Rutherford did not want to prove that it is alpha particles. For this, other detection methods are required to distinguish alpha from other radiation.

2 years ago

The detection is the Rutherfordian scattering test. The positive α particles are deflected by the positive atomic nucleus, but actually will prove that atoms have a positive nucleus and not that the alpha particles are positive…