Was ist der gesündeste Burger bei Burger King?
Fish King?
Veggie King?
Fish King?
Veggie King?
Mit Kochtopf und Pfanne.
habe seit freitag einen eingepackten mc wrap von mcdonald’s im kühlschrank der mir heute erst wieder aufgefallen ist das der da noch drinnen liegt kann man den noch essen oder ist der nicht mehr genießbar?
Habe erst gerade um 09.00 2 dl Milch gehabt und 1 Banane
Also ich kenne ein paar und wollte mal Fragen, ob ihr noch mehr kennt. Ich kenne Pommes asiatisch, Pommes rot weiß, Pommes Schranke, Pommes weiß, Pommes deutsch, Pommes rot, Pommes blutig, Pommes Indi/Indianer, Pommes doppel gelb, Pommes Blond/Blondy und Pommes Englisch. Was kennt ihr so?
Water, at the preparation and production standards is just somewhere else if you want to pay attention to health
but if you want to be healthy, you shouldn’t be a citizen King:D most likely something with chicken
They – in my knowledge – don’t “happy and healthy” chickens for their “products…
This doesn’t matter for the nutritional warmers
Eben, just…;)
I do not go to the Bruger king soder the questioner ^^
Is(s) good – come back down…
May eat everything you like!
You can get a lot of bullshit in your eco-wahn, chicken meat remains chicken, whether it comes from “lucky” chicken, which may help your conscience, but at the end it has just as much calories
Very well – considering that antibiotics, growth hormones, psychopharmacology and other “tastes” are included with it!
The “hearted” of such “chains” is(s) probably their account status!
Burger King is unhealthy. After a Chilli Cheese Burger, there were problems with me at least stomach intestine and intense thin pepper. Once and never again.
P.S. I tried the Veggie Burger at McDoof. Just licked.
I found the Vhopper very well, unfortunately there is the one currently only in a Vienna branch
It’s not called “Burger King” but “Würger Ding”. This class of food is not in vain here with us in Costa Rica
“Comida de Chatarra”. Scrap food. Unfortunately still very popular here. Lt. Last statistical surveys of the Ministry of Health are the rate of obesity at 35% of the population and the rate of overweight at 43%. In addition, folk disease #1: Diabetes.
Your data is outdated, meanwhile in men over 60% and in women just under half. Do you have a right to the disease?
There is no such thing
Gugg you better eater and put on, then you don’t have a appetite after the test
Oh, yes, you’re right
The healthiest citizen at Bürger King is:
No burger!
At Burger King there is no healthy food.
Once a staff member of Burger King told me at the checkout that she would eat here nix, and recommended me the same warmly.
Then I went back out and got a Bismarck bun at the North Sea
Take a salad.
No one. Burger can be best done at home.
Healthy isn’t there.
Burger you do yourself!
Healthiest, or least unhealthy
In such junk dumps, nix is healthy.
salad and a glass of water