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7 months ago

If people are sacrificed, something is satanic.

— according to wiki is a territory in California. Think that there are many magicians who work with bones and sacrifice people. …

Also gives regions in the world where children are kidnapped or sold to sacrifice children.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kerim6720

Right there are people from government circles, etc. Be very guarded. Logically, don’t let anyone know what’s going on. I saw short scary video months ago. Unsharp because it was zoomed over very wide distance.

7 months ago

He had researched this and other things long ago. zb that heads of state are set before the elections and that Merkel should also have been. Not in the bohemian groove. But at … (I just don’t like it.)

7 months ago

Why is I told…

You’re probably moving into circles that see such stories as true. There are enough people who believe such a bullshit. Just because a club with 20 years of waiting has a meeting place, not old gods will be conjured there…

7 months ago
Reply to  Kerim6720

And they know because…? I hardly think the two guys are members and know what they’re talking about.

There will always be people who think of any conspiracy theories about things they have no idea. And just in America, Devil worship and blood sacrifices are income. Tag: Satanic Panic.

As a story to laugh quite ok (giving better), but the truth content is 0.

7 months ago

The meetings are the subject of various conspiracy theories,

Just look: