Was ist der beste weg viel Geld zu verdienen wenn die schule anfangt schwer zu werden?
Ich hatte ein tiefes Gespräch mit jemanden über die Zukunft, verkackt man schule dann geht mal für immer im Supermarkt arbeiten, und nur 1 von 1 Million werden dann reich, jetzt gerade bin ich in der schule und frage mich wie schwer es ist wirklich viel zu verdienen oder sogar reich zu werden…….chulw
There are always people who have become rich despite aborted school and lack of education, but this is the minority. And they were either illegal activities or they had connections, e.g. because the parents had a company and the one or the one then got there or the person had a good idea by chance and with this idea was randomly in the right place at the right time.
I also know a person from my school age who broke the school after the 9th. He was an assistant first, but then he himself realized that this cannot be life and then, through a lot of ambition, got the opportunity to do a cooking lesson, even though he had no school degree, after he had worked for a few years as a helper in a kitchen. After the chef’s apprenticeship, he then went to school and even reached a real school degree. After that he went to the master school and made his master.
After that he did another training. Today he sits in the office and makes the commercial work for a restaurant chain.
It is not rich, but moves from merit on the upper average.
But that was a long way to go. That’s why I’d watch you bring the school to an end. You don’t have to do a lesson, a real school graduation would be enough so you can do a training. That’s how you save time. And once you have completed a training, there are possibilities for further training. There are also some institutes that are comparable to a Fernuni where you can study without a degree or a professional qualification if you have completed training.
No there are tons of professions that you can do without abi and you can still catch up.
The specialized you are the more money you get.
The most profitable job is prostitution.
Programmers at Google or Nvidia