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Well, even if you can’t do anything, it’s not impossible. To the trouble of any tax advisor… I think the easiest way is to grab a computer scientist and a designer and run a website for selling B-goods. Or print T-shirts with Memes and then sell them. Whether you’re getting rich depends on you (and mostly on marketing).
A degree program that makes you an expert in the field where you want to do yourself.
Nobody here knows if you want to do yourself as a lawyer, as a doctor or as an IT service provider.
But it would depend on whether you need to study law, medicine or computer science.
That depends on what you want to do. You don’t have to have studied for self-employment.
You don’t have to study to be independent, you deserve a lot without studying.
Self-study. Taking autodidactical knowledge is much more effective than any degree program.
I don’t think that I’m going to be lawyers or the like through YT videos and courses
Oh, my mistake. If you want to become a lawyer, you need the second state exam and should of course study law.
With the word self-employment, I have somehow assumed that you want to earn money right and have therefore advised off the degree. I often talk to older BWL students and realize that they have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but don’t even get to the turn of doing a few grand a month next to the study. Many of the learning material they will never need in practice and at the time of completion some of it will be outdated again. Therefore, I find it more sensible to conduct good time management and to acquire knowledge and skills for my own business model.
Depends on what you want to do
“Allow” is not a profession.
You have to know what you can do professionally. And DANACH decides whether you want to do it or do it yourself.