Was ist der außergewöhnlichste Verkaufsautomat, den es bei euch gibt?
Also gibt ja Eisautomaten, Süßigkeitenautomaten, Grillfleischautomaten, Höschenautomaten (Japan), Eierautomaten, usw.
Hier bei uns halten in den letzten 1-1 1/2 Jahren Pizzaautomaten Einzug…. mittlerweile gibt es hier 3 Stück im Umkreis von 20 km.
Schmeckt aber relativ schlecht (obwohl die Pizzen von einer Pizzeria kommen)… Was gibt es bei euch für ungewöhnliche Automaten
We have a bee fodder machine. In it are plastic capsules with herbal seeds. It is possible to sow seeds and bees have a food option, in spring and summer. The capsules can be returned by the machine and reused.
There’s a machine for room plants and there was a pomice machine. I have seen a machine for bicycle hoses that was originally unusual for me.
Pommesautomat sounds good…
I walked past a wine bottle machine 10 minutes ago. I think I’m fancy…
with us there is an automatic (mich)
where do you get the money?
that is private
In the back slot
A machine for bicycle hoses.
(But taste more than the octopus at the Greek side!)
I just realized that there is a machine for tension straps in a furniture store.
This is of course helpful if, shortly before midnight, one is overwhelmed by the desire for it!