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🍁🌟Chicken Wings, rice, tomato sauce and mixed salad.
I hate fast food
For example, pizza salami and noodle with tomato sauce,
but sweet.
I also love the dt. pots like lentil stew etc. 🍁🌟
Sorry, I can’t serve it – but with a small selection of my favorite tastes:
Are few examples of many – my Franconian home kitchen I have well “veganized”…;)
Rich for a whole menu…
True – but the cravings are not the same every day, so…;);)
Hello, Regina3.
There are two favorite foods with me:
1. Sauerbread with homemade dumplings.
Two. Savings with ham, decomposed butter and salt potatoes.
These are two dishes I can literally eat, because I don’t know any measure and purpose. 🤣
Greetings, Renate.
Dear users. Thank you for your review.
Fish fillets. Sea tongue. Seehecht. Tuna. Salmon. Scholle. Heilbutt. Zander. Redfish. Burger 🍔. Pizza. Seafood. Melanzane alla parmigiana. Smash buns. Mixed salads. Brokkoli. Spargel. Aubergines. Zucchini. Watermelons. Sugar melons. Clementines. Cherries. Strawberries. Beef. Guards. Wild boar. Buffalo. Pineapple. Sushi.
Seed tuft doesn’t look attractive, but I don’t know the fillet.
Do you have to taste delicious
Sure, last seen a whole mullet on the map, something scared me.
Hey, I don’t have a favorite dinner like that. But I love the roulettes of my grandma and the carving, the spaghetti Bolognese of my grandpa.
My mother makes totally good spaghetti Cabonara and my father make totally good ham noodles. Oh and I love asparagus soup and cauliflower soup.
However, if I read my whole text again, I notice that there are quite a lot of pasta dishes —> I love noodles, but this could not eat every day to be honest.
But in principle I eat everything.
What’s your favorite food?
Good evening.
I like many things very much. Noodles are safe.
All I like as long as there are no lenses, soft parts of Asian fish I eat practically everything.
But I stay back before ready/low-cooled food, even before sweetheart, there is a bad thing about the ingredients.
I don’t have a really favorite dinner, but I think Asian is my favorite direction, but I also like eating eggcakes and skating.
Hello Regina👋
I don’t have such a favorite dinner. I really like to eat everything, but if then most, Gyros Pita from the Greek. Or self-made lasagna:-)
Pizza tuna maize onions is delicious …
Chateaubriand, also called double-dellensteaks.
Amongst others, cattle, with Thüringer Klößen and Rotkohl.
Hand-cut as Schwäbin Spätzle. Otherwise perfect!
Clumps are also great. Know them from Franken. Especially those from Thuringia I hadn’t…
But, of course, no comparison to Spätzle, you are already right:-)
Rumpsteak with roast potatoes and a salad.
Steinbutt, Pizza, Burger. In this order.
I prefer to eat barrels.
Beuschel with Semmelknödel
Austrian expression for Saure Lunge.
Do I eat them often???
The least like that. The interiors land shattered in large-scale carnations in Hamburger, Wurst, Döner……
Thank you. Didn’t have it with internals…
Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
Cordon bleu
Pasta with tomato sauce with parmesan.
Cauliflower and lentil soup.
I can never understand what is so great about lentil soup ;/. But good ^
Well done, she tastes incredibly horny. Perfect soul food.
This can’t be used.
My favorite food is pizza, but not a TK.
Looks delicious. Rarely done? May I come? Also like to pay the ingredients …
The photo is from the Internet, from Pixabay.