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My favorite food is pizza.
In fact, a food I cannot cook myself: baked silver fish Hunanart from my favorite Chinese (only literal translation at my favorite Chinese, of course no silver fish in the DEUTSCHEN sense!)
And even after that, other Chinese dishes would first be (China is THE high culture for food)
Followed by India.
In the countries you could only travel for food!!!!
But always traveling is not going.
In addition to some Chinese dishes, I then go to DEUTSCHE kitchen, which I can cook without any problems.
At the DEUTSCHEN kitchen: green cabbage and pinkel, Swabian cheese parrots, beef roulade with lumps and red cabbage etc.
My favorite dish is a bowl with:
My favorite pizza is homemade with salami, mushrooms, red peppers and mozzarella. food-2661933/
The lasagna that makes my mother, the pork roast of my Omi, the noodles with Bolognese sauce at my grandma and the fried noodles of my dad
That’s right:)
There are different that varies.
Potatoes with Quark
Spaghetti aglio Olio
Steak with salad and foil potato
Rice, spinach and fried chicken strips.
Makkaroni oven with baked stray cheese
Hunger xD
I like bark dumplings.
Ashes and noodles.
Vodka Pasta
Special xD
Pizza 🍕
Self-made Krautfleckerl with fresh green salad