Was ist das und was tun?
ich habe eine rote trockene Stelle auf der Haut, etwas unter dem Dekoltè genau mittig. Ich hatte das schonmal, ist aber von selbst weg gegangen, jetzt ist es aber größer und roter geworden.
Es ist ungefähr so groß wie eine 1 Cent Münze.
Geht es wieder von alleine weg? Und wie kann ich nachhelfen?
I used to have a lot of stress.
I don’t know if a mushroom can be…
Can be a lot.
I could imagine something like that goes away from me.
With me, this has always vanished over the summer holidays. You’ll have to find something that makes you mental compensation for sports or something…
But there’s someone who wrote borreliosis. The red point in the middle and the red edge could really be a sign for it. I’d have a check. With borreliose is not too late.
It’s just weird if you ever had it gone and I’m thinking of stress…
Go to the doctor. Could be borreliosis.
I would like to join this, and that was my first thought.
Through a tick? I can’t imagine, as I said it was already in the same place and went away again and now back there