Was ist das “orangene flecken”?

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Ich bin 21 und nein ich habe nichts mit selbstbräuner gemacht und auch sonst nichts was mir das erklären würde. Das ist jetzt das 2. mal diesen Monat.

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2 years ago

It is most likely the mandarin, especially the shell.

Or you have a dekubitus degree 1, so a non-removable redness can happen if you have your hand under your head while sleeping. This is rather unlikely as you are not part of the risk group 😉

Try oil so olive oil or the like, massage well and wash with soap 😉 , this is the same dye which is also in carrots.

2 years ago

It looks like fruit juice or something similar.

I had this on my foot, where I walked barefoot on a cherry. The cherry juice is then because I didn’t notice it immediately dried on the skin and looked so similar and just went out hard.

2 years ago

Are you Muslim?