Was ist das interessante beim Planespotting?
Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe mal eine Frage an alle Planespotter und zwar, was an diesem Hobby den Reiz ausmacht? Ein Kumpel von mir macht das und ich verstehe es ehrlich gesagt nicht ganz. Da stehen dann 15 Leute nebeneinander und alle machen genau die gleichen Bilder und ausser dem Flugzeug ändert sich am Motiv auch nichts? 😉
Das ist nicht böse gemeint, mich interessiert einfach was daran die Faszination ausmacht?
So for me, this is always a little hunting 🙂 Hunting for the perfect image, motif and in between you are looking forward to a special-painted machine or one that you have ever seen at another airport (aircraft have an outside identification, a kind of identification). For me the relaxation is. There are also other spotters or airport staff. A nice hobby 😀 And if you’re technically enthusiastic, you can learn more and more about it, you can always see machines that you didn’t really know so far. I also like to stand in one-way trains and have the planes over me. And you’re always on the way, here at the airport (yes, I’m driving extra). And even in the terminal, I always find it very nice, that has already become shopping miles, so if you’ve been mocking and hungry for the night, you’re fed up.
I am M17 for about 5 years also an enthusiastic planespotter :-) it’s just mega fun to photograph aircraft and start a “war” to catch the best position. At my home airport to Leipzig Airport there are many horny spots, among other things the airplanes fly no more 80m above me, that is very deep. Just this sound of aircraft engines when the thrust is shut down and then there is no better hobby for me. Or the humming of propeller engines 🤤 In addition, the spotter scene is quite large and you will find new friends. It’s also more fun to two, was already mocked with a good friend of mine.
Even though the question has been asked 8 years ago, hope to be able to help, this might answer the question of others interested in this rare and beautiful hobby 😀
Hey ngu89,
I myself have been a planner since January of this year. When I first made such pictures, I realized that it was quite fun. Everyone has his own hobbies and loves them. That’s exactly how it’s with planners. I know that this hobby is just great and it’s just as much fun as football or other hobbies!
Best regards DerDenis2801
I think the planespotters are driving the same thing as the ship and steam locomotive spotters: technical enthusiasm and collective suffering. There are those who want to unveil the whole plane with a good and legible registration. This is more documentary and I cannot fully understand that. However, there are also those who want to make the most beautiful and interesting photos of great cloud formations, for example, and in which an aircraft(part) has a similar value as Koerper(parts), architecture(details), pets, landscapes, etc. Look at this. http://www.pentaxians.de/40456504nx51499/urban-life-f19/planespotting-oder-airport-Luftverkehr-und-amp-lufttransport-t1841.html There’s not just boring airplane photos.
Question: What is the interesting thing about a football match? 22 boys always run behind the same leather ball and dozens of cameras film all the same scenes.
Well, football is a team sport.It is about winning games, improving your own skills and making your game more professional. At first glance, no short- or medium-term goal can be seen for me at planespotting, e.g. at the football (getting this game, improving shot technique, rising to the next league.) But I don’t know about it either. As I said, I don’t mean that badly, I’m interested in the fascination.
The football also doesn’t make any sense. What happens when you’re in the first league? What do you got from your shotgun? Do you do that only for a cup at the end, a snuck sheet, covered with old? Susaram’s answer summarizes it.
I used to ask myself that, but meanwhile I am a planespotter in Stuttgart. This is great when you try to get the ideal picture of the ideal plane in front of the ideal background (e.g. sunset). If you make it, you’re happy. That’s just great. It is best to go to the airport with friends.
Watching rare planes is just beautiful, I think. It’s a hobby. I liked to spot Tu-154, the most beautiful passenger plane in my opinion.
This is then safe as when collecting stamps, fishing, etc., the one finds it exciting, the other finds it doof!
I believe it is simply the hunt for diversity, that is to say different, but nevertheless somehow the same motives, only depicted on different “bodys”. For example, a KLM. First there is the variability in the models, from 737 (small airliner), to the Airbus A330 (medium size) to the second largest current passenger machine, the Boeing 747. Then liveries will be added. These are fascinating in that they are very rare and also look particularly good. At KLM there is, for example, a Boeing 777, which is not painted like a normal KLM machine with blue and white, but is painted with a transition of blue and orange. The so-called “Orange Pride” livery (photo in the annex). I hope I could help.