Was ist das in Discord?

Liebe Community,

ich bin total geschockt. Wenn man in Discord diese Nachricht schreibt: https://discord.com/__development/link?s=Z7XEywE8rsgTvI0MR9P4OknzH4LtPi9j9%2Br8Hwzrohg%3D.eyJ0YXJnZXRCdWlsZE92ZXJyaWRlIjp7ImRpc2NvcmRfd2ViIjp7InR5cGUiOiJicmFuY2giLCJpZCI6ImFubmllL2RhcmsifX0sInJlbGVhc2VDaGFubmVsIjpudWxsLCJ2YWxpZEZvclVzZXJJZHMiOltdLCJhbGxvd0xvZ2dlZE91dCI6ZmFsc2UsImV4cGlyZXNBdCI6IlN1biwgMjggSmFuIDIwMjQgMDE6NTU6MDcgR01UIn0%3D

dann kommt da so ein Kärtchen hin und wenn ich auf Anwenden drücke hab ich einfach ein anderes Discord Theme

<= Kärtchen

Was ist das, wie ist das möglich? Ich hab dazu noch nichts im Internet gefunden.

Und nein, ich nutze kein BetterDiscord oder ähnliches.

Viele Grüße

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2 years ago

I got on Reddit found the following:

  • No official theme, but a leak from a discord developer
  • As long as this override is active, you will not receive new updates from Discord
  • Discord can track which users use this override
  • The override ensures changes in the screen sharing, which apparently can lead to a ban after the TOS

The whole seems to be an unofficial adaptation to the AMOLED theme, which is currently available exclusively on mobile devices.

Whether you’re using it is your decision, but because of the above-mentioned points, I’d (at current level) guess about it.

Edit: Generally, such “version overwritings” seem to be primarily intended for testers to apply new beta versions and, if necessary, remove them again. Discord writes more here: https://support.discord.com/hc/de/articles/360030114991

Due to the accumulating statements on Reddit, however, I still do not assume that the link is a public test. By the way, the name “annie” in the screenshot is the developer who developed this adjustment.

2 years ago

Yeah, that’s an official discord theme.

I also got the link before time, and it works perfectly. It’s like a plug-in – just stop discord (do not think it’s direct from discord, but from a dev or so).

I find it really horny, I even use it myself.

2 years ago
Reply to  HarunZockt

Do you know if there are other themes and if you can somehow create your own? Apparently this is still in development because the link discord.com/_development means

2 years ago

I don’t know if there are more. I don’t think so.

You can’t create any more, otherwise the themes would spread more and it’s gaebe more.

You can only use Themes yourself Betterdiscord create.

2 years ago
Reply to  HarunZockt

Yeah, that’s an official discord theme.

Where did you get the info? According to Reddit, this is only a developer-leak, in no way an official theme or it is not as such.

2 years ago
Reply to  HamsterKnowHow

As I said, it’s not direct from Discord official, but has something to do with it, as there is a separate UI in the app to use the theme when the link is posted.

2 years ago

Hmm, pity