Was ist das in auf meinem Knochen?

Habe eben mal selbst meine MRT Bilder von 2019 und 2021 verglichen wegen eines Ganglions und da ist mir ein schwarzer Fleck unabhängig auf den Aufnahmen aufgefallen (Beide MRT‘s wurden in verschiedenen Praxen gemacht)

Da ich noch sehr lange auf ein Termin beim Orthopäden warten muss, wollte ich mal hier Fragen was das ist und ob das für meine Schmerzen verantwortlich sein kann.



Von dort kommen auch ungefähr die Schmerzen her.

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2 years ago

The MRT also includes other weights and directions. Using a sequence to make a diagnosis is unfortunately rarely possible and even if these are present here, the fewest have enjoyed training as a specialist in radiology.

Right black in a T1 sequence is liquid, air and tendons/belts. The bone in question is probably the carnival in the ancicle coronal. What could that be? If I had to guess a bone cyst (intraossary ganglion), but as I said without further sequences and corresponding training, this is advised and without guarantee. Whether this can be responsible for the pain, the specialist will judge.

2 years ago

Dark spots the
Bones are
possible Note to metastases. However,
Other diseases of the bone can be recognizable on the scintigram, usually further imaging studies such as X-ray, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance tomography (

Metatasen = advanced cancer

At least thinks Dr. Google, but Google likes to exaggerate. It can also be another more harmless guess, so let’s not go out to the worst.

I’m not a doctor, not as much as Google. And if it were cancer, it would certainly have noticed the doctors who carried out the MRI with you.

Maybe there are experts who know each other better. If you don’t have to wait for the Orthopaedic appointment, and see what he means.

2 years ago

The text above refers to bone scintigraphy. There are dark spots a sign of enrichment, which often speaks for a pathological process. Dark spots in the MRI are completely normal and desired depending on the sequence.