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6 years ago

I’m not an expert, I’ve read something the other day because my daughter also has a pond in the garden. This looks like there are many algae in the pond, which form when standing water is where neither fresh water flows or it somehow circulates. (In the garden you do this with a pump) the leaves that are old on the pond floor are maturated and the pond then has too little oxygen. As long as no blue algae are formed, this is not harmful to the ducks, but only for the fish like Idiealot already wrote. Blue algae can be seen swimming an oil-like film on the water.

I really love you that you think about the ducks, there would be more people like you.

6 years ago

They’re just algae. It doesn’t matter to them, in part they even eat them. The dark is probably just foliage.

6 years ago

They don’t care. A problem would be more for fish.

6 years ago

This is probably the pond lens, also called duck cap. The ducks like to eat it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Karolilo

No. Pond lenses are practically small green leaves.

The ones on the picture are simply algae that form a carpet.