Was ist das fur eine Pistole?
45 acp?
45 acp?
Ich hatte eigentlich heute vor mein Moped tunen. Gestern war ich mit meinen großen Bruder draußen und ich habe es ihm erzählt. Dann hat er versucht mir ins Gewissen zu reden und so weiter. Heute ist er dann nochmal vorbei gekommen und hat mir nochmal eingeredet das ich das nicht machen soll. Er hat gesagt…
Wenn ich bei Steam auf z.b. Community oder mein Profil klicke, öffnet sich dieses Fenster und ich kann nicht das machen was ich will. Auch wenn ich über den Browser in Steam gehen will, dann kommt das: Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?
Ich habe einen Xiaomi Pro 2 Scooter mit Strassenzulassung bestellt, und habe heute einen mit nur einer Bremse geliefert bekommen. Der ist doch somit nicht zugelassen, oder? Siehe Bild
Hallo, Ich bin Andreas (14), ich will Airsoft spielen. Unzwar in Teams also in irgendwelchen Events oder Vereinen. Könnt ihr mir bitte Vorschläge für Events und/oder Vereine schicken, die ab 14 sind, am besten natürlich Vereine. Danke
Was ist an dem Gewehr so besonders und was ist bis heute das beste Gewehr
The picture shows the hostage owner Rösner (Gladbeck). In the net there are many photos of the weapon, probably a 1911 or replica. The caliber cannot be seen in the pictures.
The imfdb to go after is a Colt M1911 A1: https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Gladbeck
Watched, thank you
The caliber too?
Stands in the court files.
I still have doubts as to whether a film production, for example, would recognize a Norinco 1911 in 9×19.
As already written, .45 ACP is only a caliber used for the first time for Colt M1911. From below it is quite difficult to see the possibility that we have a model from the corner M1911 or of the various derivatives should be good.
Yes is the one with 45acp👍
No, it is not! – see my answer with the source!
45 acp is just a caliber, a certain cartridge. That’s not a certain gun.
You can’t say that.
What’s that gun?
Is the question, not the ammunition
For this bullet, there are dozens of weapons that shoot those. Among other things, Glock and H&K.
Then it’s probably a Colt 1911.
This is the ammunition for
From below, this could be a Browning HP, but difficult to say. Point of reference: The lower housing is greatly shortened at the front.
If this really is a weapon in the caliber .45 ACP, then no HP that exists only in 9x19mm
And the M1911 is now a whole family that is available in all sizes, colors, shapes:
Jo, I noticed. I didn’t realize that with
was meant.
It’s not a 45s!
Is a Colt Government with the serial number 161080 G 70, caliber 9mm Paralellum, described in detail here on page 6:
https://gladbeck.rnd.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Total Judgment-Geiselnahme-von-Gladbeck.pdf
Interesting. Okay, the M1911 is with so many calibers, I got the
9 mm Parabellum completely overlooked. Thanks for the info.
Jo, I still have the original Colt ACE change system. But you always find only a complete weapon and I have no place on the WBK for short weapons https://www.gunbroker.com/item/945508976
How to get so stupid
It was so easy
How was that… Self-knowledge is the first way to improve 😈
had to search the verdict from the depths of the archive.
I saw live on TV – the first scene was where Rösner walked out of the bus and the 1911s were in his mouth while talking to the press… It burned, unforgettable.
I am not aware of the case or the event. Should I look where the movie is to be seen? Have another interesting evening with fathers.
😀 Ok, I haven’t come to Amiland yet, but I’m not a big holidaymaker either. And if I want to visit Japan. I do not know how this is, of course, but perhaps the weapon to be carried is prescribed (being). The police also have choices. At federal level, they are more strictly bound as far as I know.
No, it’s all right, the calibre was almost never mentioned anywhere. The rumour went around, the bishop’s feast had been shot by the police. But the bullet, the sleeve in the floor space and the shot canal has been clearly assigned to Rösner. That’s why I had looked at it more closely because I thought at that time, “it is easy to distinguish a 45th bullet from the 9mm of the officials and the 357s of Degiowski.”
The Amis also say, “It doesn’t matter which 45s you have, as long as it’s a 1911.” (I had a longer conversation with a security in Las Vegas, and that came up and we laughed very much about it – he led a bell but had a 1911er privately. )
Gentlemen, what there is…
Noja, the M1911 will probably come most often than .45 ACP (I would appreciate stupid). It is often referred to as a 45. A lot of people usually know what weapon is meant (as many people think the AK47 is just the Kalashnikov). ^^