Was ist das für eine Pflanze (Hühnerfutter)?
Ich kam heute aus dem Urlaub zurück und entdeckte auf unserem Beet so ein komisches Kraut (Es wurde aber angebaut).
Bei uns im Dorf wird es Hühnersenf genannt und es wurde angebaut, damit unsere Hühner im Winter Futter haben.
Jetzt ist es noch ganz klein (ca.1cm hoch). Es wird aber noch richtig groß.
Was ist das?
Und darf es von Kaninchen gefressen werden, wenn es gross ist?
LG 🙂
A cross blossom is that and that actually also includes mustard. All types of cabbage belong to it, rapeseeds and some beet, but probably something was grown here to improve the soil.
But to say more precisely, you have to wait -or ask the one who has sown this.
Thank you.
That could be a rap or another cross blossom. This is not actually a chicken feed, but the chickens simply pick out many plants (chicken habit);)
Thank you.
They’re just the germ leaves, there’s nothing to say. For this purpose, the plants should first form the normal leaves.
But it looks like beans
Thank you.
It doesn’t look like beans.
Mustard would rather not like the carnivals, rapeseeds, beefs, awning cauliflowers (they all look the same at the stage) but rather gently feed and not in masses that blows everything.
Thank you.
it looks like something like rettich, radish. on the basis of two leaves you cannot say much about it.
Thank you.
With the germ leaves you can say nix.
Thank you.
The chickens love germs.
Let the pack show you. Chicken f is a local name. Actually, mustard, raps, Kohl et al. lead to odour of eggs.
This is not a good food for Nager.
Thank you.