Was ist das für eine Öffnung an meinem Objektiv?

An meinem FUJI XF 16-55mm f2.8 R Objektiv befindet sich eine Art zugeschraubte Öffnung auf der “Weather Resistant” steht.

Wofür ist diese Öffnung? Irgendwie sieht die so aus, als dürfte man die aufschrauben. Von manchen Linsen kenne ich es, dass die einen eingebauetn Filter haben, den man austauschen kann. Wäre mir hier aber nicht bekannt.

Kann mir da jemand helfen? Ich möchte sie ungern öffnen und ausversehen was kaputt machen. Danke 🙂

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1 year ago


correctly, there is the ventilation behind it, at least in the section model at fairs.

This is a plastic insert with 4 lamella filters, which are probably electrostatically charged. The lower part cup is completely made of plastic and you get through the slot also to the OIS actuator.

One could possibly create a holder for gelatin filter, vignette or apodization

1 year ago

Just because you can recognize screws on a lens doesn’t mean you can screw them out.

If I look at the connections of my lenses, I see IMMER screws, but I wouldn’t come to the idea of screwing around on my lenses, for that they are too expensive.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rolajamo

I would look in the handbook from the lens and if there is nothing about these screws and their possible removal, then I would not screw it off.

I’m not a lens manufacturer or I could take a lens apart and reassemble it, so I’m very reserved. If a lens does not work, I send it to the service, with a camera I proceed exactly the same way.

In the worst case, you can remove the screws 1x and then nix goes more.

It’s your decision.