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This is a Chinese 1-Cash coin.
Now I’m not an absolute expert on Chinese coins, but this is probably from the 19th century. During the Qing dynasty were created.
I can’t say the value ad hoc as I have to look at it, but I don’t give too much value because there are hardly any collectors for these pieces. At least not in Europe if you don’t just meet a China lover.
Material should be brass, and in China such masses were cast.
For such pieces please always post the back. This sometimes makes the search easier.
I have now researched something and come to the following conclusion.
The coin comes from the Qing Dynasty at the time of Emperor Xianfeng (1851 – 1861) cast. This is also shown by the traditional characters (top down)
The other two characters (from left to right) give the word Tongbao out, which means as much as “satisfied treasure” or something similar.
The coin, however, also indicates a replica, since the character “feng” (below) does not match the original clean, although the piece is also anything but weathered.
The nominal value cannot be read out from the photo alone, as the size and the other side of the coin is still required. The same also applies to the material. Most coins are made of measurement, but there are also copper, zinc and iron.
Seems to be a cash coin from the Xiangfeng dynasty.
The characters on the coin are: 咸 豐 豐
I’d have them evaluated somewhere. Could be that she’s rare.
You can also: try.
I’m taking back what I said I’ve been biting in yet
ok update see main post
This is from the kingdom of Avatar, The Last airbender hahaha
ne who have no characters xD
Hahaha, I fell in first
he has at home. They are not from a cartoon
Jaa… I know… But these are Chinese characters and these are just jewelry coins