What kind of animal is this (bat-like)?
Stood at my window last night.
Stood at my window last night.
A friend of mine has a well-mixed herd of mares and geldings on her farm, ranging in age from 10 to 28. It's actually a truly harmonious herd; they have plenty of space, yet it's never boring. However, one of the geldings (a warmblood, 1.78m tall, approximately 10 years old) is completely under-exercised, as the…
Hello. We've had something, one or more animals, living in our attic for a while now. At first, we only heard it running around or gnawing on something every few days. But now it's also coming down to the attic hallway. We've even gone up to the attic at night when it was active to…
Hello I'd like to buy a rabbit from Dehner and wanted to know how much they cost? Best regards!
Good evening, when and for whom does my hen choose? Nubi (that's the name of my budgie) fed her once and once had one leg on her back and he spends more time in the brooder and in front of it than usual and always in front of her. Aqua (that's the name of my…
4 days ago I came into the stable and I was struck by the shock 5 guinea pigs were lying next to each other like a star shape A castrated buck on the back diagonally two more and one in the stable 22 of my merlis were completely missing, including babies. I found 5 alive….
This is a butterfly. Even if you don’t believe it.
Look. https://wildlife-media.at/image details/15818/schwammspinner
or here:
the exact way you can not determine with the photo, there are several with so huge feelers.
And a very nice one in white: http://deacademic.com/pictures/dewiki/99/cabera.pusaria.7144.jpg
problem,that on the photo has no wings,have this image brighter and contrasting cheek,of wings misdisplay
The insect must have wings and it was probably a nightfolder.
Look, this is also a spider, the males of the species also have such great feelers, he puts his wings together so that they nciht more than butterfly wings. https://www.gettyimages.de/detail/giftenfoto/wolfsmilchspinner-auf-gruenem-blatt-sitzend-messenfoto/876049802
You had already received the answer that it was a certain type of nightfold.
But you photographed it in such a way that it looks really creepy, especially since there is no big deal.
This photo should be sent to some photo competitions! 🙂
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Either a rabbit or a gremlin.
but I live on the third floor…
Gremlins can climb.
has similarity with feather mice,but I can’t see any wings
Look at your ears (→Question) more closely!
These are not ears, they are Sensors, which, like a feather, are finely annoyed to be able to perceive the finest odor particles.
How big?
So this is not an animal from this earth!
It wasn’t exactly able to see if it stood at night, and keep so flea-like little bigger maybe
Bat or a crippled hate…
A heavily enlarged moth.
That’s what eats my little kitty.
Where are wings here, nothing can be flying
Folded and folded behind the fur collar and the feelers.
A bat?
I don’t know, but wow, this looks creepy…:D That you still photographed it….