Was ist das für ein Stich gefährlich?

Ich habe einen stich ,hand groß am Oberschenkel richtige rötung …weiß aber nicht von was es tut auch nicht weh aber würde gern wissen ob sowas schonmal jemand von euch hatte , was ihr dann gemacht habt

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2 years ago

Yeah, I had something like that several times in different places.

I always went to the doctor and told him the first time what my opinion could be. He said that it would go away again (which he certainly was right to ignore any late episodes).

I then went to the next doctor who confirmed my self-diagnosis and prescribed the necessary antibiotic.

With me it was a “hidder roast” as a sign of a borreliosis after a tick stitch (but I had not seen a tick). It’s a matter of treatment. It can be seen that the diameter increases a few millimeters every day and the inner area becomes bright again.

Two weeks ago it was once again so far. So now I’ll take the antibiotic again…


2 years ago

This looks like a harmless reaction to the trick. That’s what happens.

If it wasn’t a tick, you can wait for it to come back.

If not, go to the medical emergency service.

2 years ago

This is supposed to be a doctor, which is certainly nothing harmless. Gives emergency practices close to you, which have also opened at the WE. Where, it’s in daily or weekly newspapers. Or go to the KH.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nachteule1000

It’s time for tomorrow. It’s not an emergency.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maxxismo

You’re a killer, you’re so stupid?

2 years ago

Did you cross your legs? That’s the impression.

Otherwise, I don’t know, I’d watch this, and if it’s going to the weekend doctor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Idafuzki

And you’re gonna ask this before the weekend where you’d have to go to the fucking doctor? It should be avoided, if possible, and it should be possible to get proper emergency responses. 😩

If you were, I would have gone to the doctor today.