Was ist das für ein Flugobjekt?
Guten Morgen,
Jeden Tag sehe ich in der Dunkelheit mehrere Flugobjekte am Himmel, die tief fliegen und laut sind. Diese Objekte haben vorne ganz helle Strahler und fliegen ziemlich tief. Vorfallen fliegen sie schnell. Ich habe es mal versucht, mit meinem Smartphone aufzunehmen. Die Flugobjekte machen Krach am Himmel. Was sind das für Flugobjekte, und warum fliegen sie jeden Abend und dann mehrere ? Passagierflugzeuge sind das nicht. Die wären viel höher und lautlos.
You probably see the first impact of Russia’s attack on the German military. Our jets are flying again. In my childhood it was still normal that they showed up, that was about reunification. When one took peace for granted, that became less. Peace is no longer self-evident.
Probably military machines.
If you see such a part again, watch https://www.flightradar24.com/ for your position, whether there are aircraft on the move, with the transponder on.
If so, you’ll know who or what that is.
If not, it is usually military machines.
The possibility of drones should not be ignored.
I don’t want to talk to you about UFO now;-) But in Germany, so much US military is on the go at night and in the sky, that you should always think of the ladies and gentlemen first.
There is almost a US-Phobie swinging in their answers
Maybe an American bomber like the Northrop B-2 or the Lockheed f-117.
The flying car of Harry Potter 🙂 [he was really bad ] so it is either a helicopter training or a military training course.
I suspect a jet with two engines.
Did the position lights?
Military exercises or conversion of combat jets. Depending on where you live and how flies
This could be some plane from Kampfjet to Cessna.
Aeroplanes can fly over cities up to 300m deep.
In the swr3 radio came, there were any saddles that were reoriented.
Maybe drones.