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Essen nach erbrechen?
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Döner is the healthiest fast food because it contains the most sweet ingredients and contains many flavors. It always depends on where to buy it.
From this selection I find the Döner best from experience. He’s fast prepared. You see all the ingredients are very fresh. That’s why I would say he’s also the healthiest alternative from this selection.
As a Nuremberg, I probably would have to say 3 Nurembergs in the waygla or liver cheese. But with the Döner, our Turkish friends naturally made the very big throw. A fresh dungeon, with brittle bread, juicy meat and fresh salad, there’s nothing wrong with it. Or as Australian tourists wrote to me in their guide: The Best German Fast-Food!
I love Burger 🍔
But I also like to eat dinner from time to time and pizza is not my case. But Burger I find super delicious!
Even though I personally have a culinary problem with classifying pizza as a fast food, it is my favorite of the choices.
Sausages and the pommes with Mayo.
For me burger, but is a difficult decision because I love everything almost food.
lg sarah
Extremely heavy decision between burger and pizza 😀
From the selection I find pizza in American style best.
Pizza I like to eat, in place 2 but then the burgers
Best regards, Jan
Then follow pizzas, liver cheeses, sausages in rolls and burgers.
Pizza with anchovies and pineapples.
Good burger costs 15€ with us and I’m not tired of that.
Better jumbodöner.
The most varied.
Most likely.
be my favorite
Makes me particularly good and makes you rich and beautiful as well. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄