Was ist das?
Schwer zu beschreiben, also ich hab seit einem Monat ein sehr komisches Gefühl im Kopf, fühle mich auch benommen… Manchmal kriege ich so Attacken.. Dann fühlt sich alles surreal an.. Hab das ständig, manchmal kribbelt auch mein Körper vorallem meine Arme und Hände.. hatte im Januar ein MRT vom Kopf.. unauffällig.. hat jemand die selbe Erfahrung gemacht.. hab Angst meinen Verstand zu verlieren.. Danke für jede Antwort:)
Could be psychic. But also migraines with aura e.g.
I firmly believe that everything has a psychic origin.
In my puberty, I had often tingle in my arms and so a funny feeling as if they weren’t even part of me as almost dead.
You should do some exercises that train your body perception. It is very important to go away from your head and your thoughts and learn to go and feel in your body. Yoga and meditation are very helpful. Your body shows you that you do not live in it and give it too little attention and attention.
With the extreme symptoms you have, I would also visit a psychologist, body therapists and medical practitioners, because that sounds dangerous!
I think what green smoking would probably help.