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2 years ago

Could be a mushroom that likes to form in skin folds. You can try to stop with baby products. There are creams that can be used in skin folds so that there are no moist millieus. Z.b. in the form of a zinc ointment.

Let the pharmacy advise you if a fungus agent comes into question. I’d take the photo from the question to the pharmacy.

If you shave there, I would disinfect the skin before and after, and of course the razor also z. with Kodan forte, for example:

Let the doctor or pharmacist advise you on such questions!

2 years ago

This could be beginning shed braids, definitely an eczema.

Try to leave all spicy spices, pepper and garlic and ginger away, do not care to sweat at night and leave as much air as possible to the skin.

Otherwise, I can recommend letting you leave everything that creates inflammation: dairy products, gluten (wheat etc.) and eggs.

With the skin doctor, you may be prescribed a cortisone ointment that suppresses the symptoms but does not cure (i.e. after a while it can break out again).

2 years ago

Hi, did you shave? Just wait, it goes all by itself

2 years ago

Can come from shaking. Bad blade….

2 years ago

Looks like a well-maintained fungus – consult skin or female physician.

2 years ago
Reply to  HugoHustensaft


2 years ago

maybe after the shower too much scratched