What is that?
Hello folks!
I've had this in my belly button for a week, what could it be?
Thanks for your help!
Hello folks!
I've had this in my belly button for a week, what could it be?
Thanks for your help!
I haven't been feeling well the last few days—a rash, sore throat, headache, stomach upset, etc. I went to the doctor. They took a blood test and my inflammation level is at 98. What exactly does such a value mean and is it high?
I haven't exercised for about four weeks. First, I had the flu, and now I have a constantly blocked nose and a constantly opening ear. It's just something to do with my nose. I can't sit around at home anymore.
Hello, I'm 22 years old and I'm suddenly having trouble falling asleep and waking up earlier. I used to sleep 8-9 hours, but now I sleep about two hours less. Would it make sense to go to bed later to get better sleep overall? I have a bit of a headache in the morning and…
Over the past few days, I've been experiencing frequent pain on the left side of my stomach. I have to say that I've also gained some weight from eating too much sugar (more than four sweets a day), but I'm having a hard time quitting. What's the best way to combat this?
Are heart palpitations serious? So is it heart palpitations? I'm a little worried. My heartbeat is regular, but every 2-3 minutes, my heart suddenly stops beating, and then returns to its normal rhythm.
This looks like wild meat that has formed after the piercen.
Go to your family doctor, he’ll recommend a treatment method.
Good for you.
Thank you for the ⭐ I am very happy, all the best of you.
Hi I think that’s maybe a pimp or a mess, but if it doesn’t go away, I’d go to the family doctor
A piercing.
A piercing