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3 years ago

This is a case for the veterinarian

3 years ago

diarrhea -> veterinarian.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rosswurscht

Diarrhea looks completely different in the rabbit!

3 years ago

Hello 🤗🙋🏽

For the first time I have to ask you a couple:

  1. Does your rabbit have a partner?
  2. Do you feed dry food?

It could actually be bubbles.

This is replaced by false nutrition. Dry food is not healthy at all. Even too little movement or overweight can be a trigger.

The veterinarian (to which you absolutely must) will perform a bubble flushing and give an antibiotic against inflammation. And you have to change the rabbit’s diet.

Dear Greetings I hope I could help you and good improvement to your ninth 🐇🐇

3 years ago

For example, we only give Volvic water as it contains as good as no calcium. Don’t make me happy because I usually completely avoid Nestlé.

Our rabbits only receive fresh food, i.e. currently love the Beiden Chicorée, Eichblattsalat and Radicchio. I’ll buy at the organic store.

In summer we build the greenery in our own garden.

You should only feed high-quality hay.

Dry food does not require rabbits, there are no wildlife.

Our old rabbit man suffers from massive E.Cuniculi, which unfortunately affects bladder and kidney. He has been living with us with his partner for a year and comes from a private animal shelter.

3 years ago

This looks very strongly like urine with bubbles.

Can it be that you feed very calcium-rich or what do you feed?

Does the rabbit have a partner, sufficient outlet and no dry food?

3 years ago
Reply to  Alishaa719

I hope your male rabbit is neutered.

Rabbits definitely don’t need dry food. It just hurts them.

Fruit has a lot of sugar and should be given only occasionally as a small reward.