Was ist das?
Hey, ich werde langsam wahnsinnig. Vor ca. 3 Wochen fand ich dieses Vieh zum ersten Mal in meinem Schlafzimmer. Leider fand ich dieses Exemplar auf meiner Bettdecke, was mich natürlich beunruhigte. Dann habe ich mein Schlafzimmer abgesucht und fand mehrere davon über Tage verteilt. Ich habe auch schon etwas zum sprühen gekauft, was auch erst geholfen hatte. Hab ungefähr eine Woche Ruhe gehabt. Da mein Balkon direkt am Schlafzimmer ist und ich natürlich auch lüfte, habe ich das Gefühl, die Viecher finden so den Weg in die Wohnung, da ich die meisten auch vor der Balkontür finde. Ich schlage vor lauter Angst seit Tagen auf dem Sofa, weil mich der Gedanke so beunruhigt. Weiß jemand was das ist und wenn ja, wie ich die Viecher loswerde? Langsam kann ich nicht mehr …
Unfortunately, there is hardly any evidence – it has eight legs?
My guess: bird mites.
Is there a bird nest on the balcony or in the immediate vicinity?
Or is the apartment under the roof? I’m asking because they could come.
These viecherl also go to people and pets if necessary.
Thank you. I unfortunately found several weeks, at least one daily. measured the animal, about 1mm tall. Unfortunately, I’ve already found such an animal in the living room. Can it be that they will spread out or find their way from outside to inside? I’m really desperate.. Landlord now sends a pest fighter to look after. Can’t sleep in the bedroom for weeks as I’m afraid and feel very uncomfortable…
Yeah, they’re coming from outside.
They cannot spread themselves (presumed they are bird mites) because they also accept human beings as a blood host, but they are considered misconducts. Says you can’t replant with the blood.
If the pest fighter is already ordered – good! I wish good luck, and I would like to remind you here again what he said and has done.
the chamber hunters were there and ruled out the red bird mite. They were sure that this will be another kind of mite, but they couldn’t say it because they are too small. And laboratory do not send the animals, as the landlords see this as unnecessary
the images of the horn mite look very similar to the mites I have. Thank you for the answers
Thank you. In fact, the pest fighter has found most in the frame of my balcony door, as they probably have nested. I’m really curious if I’m still told what kind of mite this is
Thanks for the feedback!
Balcony – maybe there are also horn mites:
They’d be harmless, because they’re not going to people.
The pest fighter was there on Friday and found that there are really mites. To tell more exactly which, unfortunately, they are too small. Have actually seen many of the mites on the edge of the balcony
It could also be bedbugs that are currently on the rise.
A pest fighter could find that it is mites. Because of the size, he could not say exactly what
Look here:
Could be a bead or a beetle.
You’ve seen her better than we can tell from the picture, maybe the description is true.