What is that..?

Hello! I recently found a small thing in my budgie's cage. We don't know if it's some kind of egg, but it's very small. My budgies are both quite old and often have fun. I've also noticed that my female budgie often digs in the corner of the cage and each time she removes sand, creating a sort of small area for the bird (they don't have an incubator yet). If anyone knows anything about this, please let me know.

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2 years ago


The picture is a bit bad but it could be an egg. Sometimes it can be removed and examined quickly.

What do you get to eat? When pairing, eggs do not always have to be produced. It can happen occasionally, however, once you feed too richly. Then they put an egg on the ground in the need.


2 years ago
Reply to  MelinStarlight

Now waveform eggs are generally also relatively small. Ca as big as a 1 cent piece just not as round and wide. Deviations from the standard size are of course always possible.

The best way to go down the fresh food and feeds only grain food when they are currently so brittle. And keep in mind that the cage on the floor is well lit. Dark corners encourage the hen to lay more.


2 years ago

You should have done a 1-cent coin or a ruler to have a size comparison.

Without this, a helpful answer is not possible.

But it could easily be a dirty shaft ice egg if the size fits?!

I wish you a happy hand for your waves.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –

Thorsten Hoeppner
2 years ago

Sorry, but I think this “small thing” is the least problem you can see on the photo. You can barely see the litter. 🙁

If one compares the size with the feather, it could be a dried wind egg trade.

This would also be a Nutritional deficiency at the hen.

2 years ago

Just look (you can see an egg relatively well 😉). But I think it looks like a pebble stone… In fact, waves are also cave breeders, normally (except for illnesses and behavioral disorders) do not lie somewhere.


2 years ago
Reply to  LenMilTres142

But if they live in a cage, that can be badly a pebbles.😅

2 years ago
Reply to  MelinStarlight

Is it an egg?

2 years ago

All birds can have wind eggs

2 years ago
Reply to  MelinStarlight

Can be goggeln, an egg without proper shell often smaller