Was ist da kaputt (Was genau ist das, Laptop geht nicht mehr an)?
Kann mir jemand sagen, was für eine weiße Verbindung das ist und warum der Laptop nicht mehr angeht? Die Rede ist von diesem weißen Band da neben der Schraube, was eigentlich in diesen Stecker gehört. Allerdings, wenn ich Versuche es reinzumachen, geht der Laptop trotzdem nicht an. Hat jemand eine Ahnung, was da los ist?
Cables connect one part to another. Such flex cables are available in the laptop for keyboard, touchpad, WLAN adapter, HD, USB, battery…. Which cable you have removed is so nmicht recognizable, is a little different in every laptop. Which one do you have?
By the way, the left-hand front end of the device is hard to paint. can only help you if at all, a person skilled in the art who can consider the greeting more accurately
gratitude, flex cable when opening the device in the dilletite. if you don’t have a clue from this technique or craftsmanship is a cut, you should leave the finger from all technical devices.
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What are flex cables for?
To connect something to each other
In order to transfer data as well as electricity, what to do