Was ist besser: Weiß- oder Schwarzbrot?
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Bitte Stellung zu dieser Frage nehmen.
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was passiert wenn ich zu viel esse?
Zum Frühstück 😖
Was ist eine gute Alternative zu dem Thermomix, welches Gerät könnt ihr mir empfehlen? Vielen Dank im voraus
Also ich will gerade abnehmen (bin 16m 1.78 70kg) und esse in der schule dann nur einen kaugummi (meistens airwaves) weil ich finde dass es das Hungergefühl stillt. Ist es effektiv oder sind kaugummis eher schlecht wenn man abnehmen will? Oder sollte ich lieber zuckerfrei kaugummis holen?
Nutrition physiologically, black bread is actually better / healthier. It contains more fiber and makes longer saturated. But for some dishes / occasions white bread simply fits a lot better.
That’s why you can’t really say that flat. And even if black bread has some advantages, white bread is not perse unhealthy.
I think the whole talk of the bad white flour is bullshit. It should never be forgotten that there are a whole range of regional kitchens that traditionally only know white bread varieties. This is true for all Mediterranean cuisines.
Here is bright (white) bread one of the central ingredients of diet and yet they are very healthy. It simply depends on the total composition of the food. The question of bread is probably the least.
I agree with you in almost everything. It is only in fact that white flour and sugar are the house piracy for the now very strongly increased occurrences of intestinal fungi. My mother works in healthcare. It is extremely striking, especially in young people, she says.
Look here: https://www.ugb.de/candida- Pilz/darm Pilze-was-tun/
Possibly, in Mediterranean regions it is otherwise compensated, e.g. by a lot of fresh food.
Right full grain bread is always better. But then you should really look at the ingredients and see if it is not just colored white bread. Because not every black bread is also a real full grain bread.
Definitely full grain bread with grains because you have fiber in there, fiber fiber. White bread is white flour, which almost only offers empty calories. You eat more, you get fat. In addition, many people today get mushrooms because of the excessive consumption of white flour products, as they feed on them. My mother works in the healthcare sector – it is really striking how many young people also have mushrooms today. Many do not even know, but this is very bad for the intestine and strains your entire system.
Look: https://www.ugb.de/candida- Pilz/darm Pilze-was-tun/
NOTE: Make sure it’s VOLLKORNbrot. There is dark bread, which is simply dyed with malt and therefore not healthier! I’m talking about VOLLKORNbrot.
ANNEX https://ebalance.ch/magazin/ernaehrung/dunkles-brot-gesuender-als-weissbrot
Because I find the healthier than white bread. There are also many health benefits when taking black bread instead of white bread, for example less risk with high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, etc.
Would say both are equal. 🤣
Time and again.
Dark bread types are healthier
So it’s healthier. The other tastes better:)
LG your finger
in any case, healthier.
Has significantly higher-quality carbohydrates, even if I prefer to eat gray bread.
White bread is more appealing, but black bread is healthier
I understand Pumpernickel, which I do not like, or contract.
I’d rather bake my own whole grain bread. They are without whole grains, but with the outer shells of the grains in the flour.
It is crucial whether these are excavation flours or whole grain flours. Whole grains are not necessary to let a bread pass through as healthy.
Should be healthier
Is healthier
If you mean better, healthier, then the black bread.
Is healthier and lasts longer
Tastes better, lasts longer and is healthier.