was ist besser netflix oder amazon prime? oder beides gut?
und disney plus?
und disney plus?
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Die vorhandenen Sommerreifen haben die richtige Identifikationsummer, wähend die Winterreifen ein andere Nummer haben.
Bei Peso.
Ich brauche eure Hilfe kennt irgendjemand Apps wo man auch Streamen kann so wie bei “discord” aber discord funktioniert nicht
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Nach der Bestellung gemerkt, dass es direkt hier in der nähe ist. Findet ihr das angemessen? Finde das ehrlich gesagt jetzt unangenehm, weil die in der nähe bei mir sind haha. Denken auch, dass ich hätte laufen können.
It depends on when you prefer to look at Disney plus there are more disney films but of course other things. In my opinion, Netflix is best because you don’t have to buy extra films or series again
If you value a wide selection of award-winning original content and a reasonable price, Netflix is the better choice.
If you prefer a larger range of content, live sports and the benefits of a prime membership, Amazon Prime Video is the better choice.
Netflix offers the largest selection of content with about 7300 titles, including 4800 films and 2500 series. It is also the cheapest paid streaming service, with prices from 4.99 euros per month. Amazon Prime Video* comes to second place with about 5800 tracks, including 4500 films and 1300 series.
For me it is
1. Netflix
Two. Prime
3. Disney
We personally watch more Netflix than Amazon Prime….
Disney Plus (I find) is only worthwhile if you are Marvel fan….
It’s just my personal opinion….
Netflix is the number 1
Disney Plus is very good when you marvel and Star Wars Mag – I had to
Paramount Plus is good if you like Star Trek – I have
At Prime you always have to buy or rent so many movies. I have not been
Netflix sells weapons to Saudi Arabia
Clear and Donald Trump sells hamburgers in Sudan
Netflix definitely has the best range of series.
I recommend this well written article
You’ll find all your answers.
does it always make sense to try both? netflix will be more expensive
Yes makes sense:) To see what there is