Was ist besser Naked bike oder sport bike?
Was sind ist besser? Was ist der unterschied ? Was sind die vor und nachteile???
Welches ist als fahranfänger geeignet und wieso?
Was sind ist besser? Was ist der unterschied ? Was sind die vor und nachteile???
Welches ist als fahranfänger geeignet und wieso?
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Athletes have a cladding, usually a narrower handlebar and often higher, further rear footrests.
These features deteriorate without exception the handling of the motorbike and serve to achieve a higher maximum speed by reducing the air resistance and allowing the driver to adopt a flow-effectively geducked attitude with tight arms. In addition, disguises are expensive and suffer as well as always on falls.
Correspondingly, the Naked bike is always the better choice for beginners, better still an enduro (but nowadays there are no more snowy cheap starter enduros.)
The only daily-relevant advantage of athletes is that they not only offer a certain wind protection, but also usually with a rather low-wire flow. Although this has been promised by tourers for years and days, in practice it often only works conditionally or only for smaller drivers.
Take what you like and meet your wishes, sample sitting and testing should also be done, because when you sit in the test, the first breaks out, it’s also important that you feel comfortable on the motorcycle at the beginning, otherwise that won’t work.
Ask yourself what you want to do with the motorcycle and check out some videos on Youtube from 1000PS.
I don’t know what you can drive for motorcycles, two dealers have advised me to start in my case as a newcomer with 700-800 ccm so I don’t have to come back a year later to buy something bigger.
Take a look https://www.motorradfrage.net/ such questions have been asked more often.
Suitable is always a question of definition.
Usually naked bikes are lighter and have a higher twist, which makes it “lighter” for beginners. But you get used to it quickly.
As my previous speaker said, super sportsmen with full trim are faster and offer better aerodynamics through the disguise.
In case of falling and falling, it becomes considerably more expensive than in a naked machine.
Not at all naked’s is given a straighter seat position, which always depends on the model and your body size.
Supersportsmen are NOT basically faster – see my comment on the previous speaker’s response 😉
Welcome to Michael
both are good!!!
sportsmen create higher speeds through more cladding and lying seat position
Disadvantages: disguise is expensive to change(Sturz)
non-tourable seating position
advantages:top-speed, wind protection
naked bikes get more wind off, lower top speed but upright comfortable sitting position
Why is it always claimed that sportsmen or super sportsmen basically have a higher final speed (with the same performance data) than Naked bikes?
This can be, but it does not have to and it is not as often the case as (here) likes and is constantly asserted.
It is striking that the 650 Hondas are “proportionally” slow and whether that is so true – but they are still fast;-)
And with a disc, high speeds can also be well driven and carried on the Naked bike. Only “very nacky” will it become unpleasant from 150 / 160 km/h in the long term and you get a “shock”.
All this from our own experience 😉
Welcome to Michael