Was ist besser gegen starke rückenschmerzen wirklich starke rückenschmerzen?

Ist Kälte oder Wärme besser bei rückenschmerzen auch wenn Wärme nicht hilft? Ist Kälte besser also kühlpack drauf auf dem ganzen Rücken?

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4 months ago

With me the devil claw helps, it gets really hot but with others it is more cold. But what exactly does it look like, the back pains are more direction to bite or chest. Often it is the back muscles that are neglected and therefore you have back pain. A gymnastics band can really help because you have a lot of opportunities to train.

4 months ago

Can’t be answered so individually because it depends on why you have the pain you can just try but definitely go to the doctor

All the best

4 months ago

I’m really warm.

You can try the following:

Put yourself on the floor, best would be thick carpet. Put your legs up, knees up and heels up.

Now you alternately push the heels on the ground a bit forward without putting them so that you are moved a bit on your back (the back moves slightly on the ground).

5 min alternately shift the heels as if you go (in the rhythm).

Then you leave the heels standing and do the same with the hip: always left hip pushing a little forward, back, then the right. Also 5 min.

Then put your hands on your knees and pull the knees (together) slightly left and right alternately, also 5 min.

That’s what you’re massaging yourself.

I had shown a physiotherapist for back pain as a practice.

If warmth doesn’t help, I’d go to the doctor for the sake of purpose, then it could be that it’s not just a tension, but maybe a jammed nerve or something.

4 months ago

Depends on the cause of pain… Do you have a tension? -> Heat

Did you come in? Or is something inflamed, then cold

4 months ago

Heat cushions or pavement,no cold

4 months ago

Depends on the cause

Would listen to my body