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2 years ago

Contact lenses cannot be worn.
Also depends on how they were made.
You get dry eyes quickly, or inflamed eyes.
I haven’t been wearing any more for years.

Also, because I think that if you have a visual impairment, it should also be visible to others.
If I do contact lenses as if I were healthy, I expect things that can only afford a healthy one – but I cannot afford.

It doesn’t lead to anything good.

2 years ago
Reply to  MuTTanS

What things can’t be done with contact lenses?

2 years ago
Reply to  verry176636

It’s more about what you can’t afford without.
For example, if you’re short-sighted, you’re not thrown up.

When you grow up with glasses, you have a completely different way to behave than if you never needed glasses.
This does not change much with contact lenses.

You’ll never become a drone, just because you wear contact lenses.
You’re not going to be a supersurviver who gets clear in the wilderness, because you don’t see much.

You always have to take into account the visual aids.
That’s a good thing.

With a disability, you are not as active and independent as people without disabilities.

2 years ago

I find contact lenses with a strong short-sightedness quite simply more advantageous than to wear glasses. Since the strong glasses already limit one more or less, and contact lenses are simply a gain in quality of life.

Contact lenses are also recommended for sports or if there are other glasses in the way and is impediable.

Otherwise, however, contact lenses are more and more expensive to wear than glasses, which one simply needs to put on. Contact lenses have a limited wearing time and are not always compatible for everyone. I can understand that many dear glasses are wearing. With lower strength, I would have stayed with glasses.

2 years ago

This is different for each person.

There are people who prefer contact lenses because they annoy the glasses on their nose. However, there are also people who are energized by contact lenses and whose eyes will be pupstrocken

2 years ago

I have searched this link for you from the network -> goggle or contact lenses/

Everything is well described there.

2 years ago

I’ve had glasses since the kindergarten and never found anything, but unfortunately my eyes have become worse and I’m now a megamaulp. For over two years, I have contact lenses and I love them. Many things are easier in everyday life and I find that I have more quality of life, sport, make-up and so, and not the ever-increasing glasses to wear and more beautiful looks also when I am on the go with contact lenses.

2 years ago

Hello Matheo906👋

There are for both the target groups, some may not have a frame on their nose, others, like I can’t imagine doing such contact lenses in my eyes or getting out, I’ve been wearing glasses for 22 years, which belongs to me.

2 years ago

I have both.

Contact lenses is a supplement to glasses, lenses alone does not work. Glasses as well as contact lenses have advantages and disadvantages, but you complement each other very well.

2 years ago

Contact lenses are more pleasant.

One looks like a normal-sighted and has no limitations, for example in sports or in bad weather.

2 years ago

I have both, come with both well clear and decide spontaneously in the morning

2 years ago
Reply to  Matheo906

The shape of the eyes is always the same. But of course you look different with glasses than without.

2 years ago

I find lenses much better because they do not restrict the field of view. With only one eye I appreciate it.. (Hab two already, but the left hardly sees what:()

2 years ago

Both are effective. In my opinion, customers are glasses.

2 years ago

Up to -8 diopters a glasses, higher contact lenses, because the thick glasses would weigh a lot.