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1 year ago

Apart from the fact that I find it hard to buy such an expensive car, of course it is clear that higher costs would be associated with installment (interests).

If the car dealer offers installment without “insen”, enough air will remain to negotiate the price down, at this purchase price certainly 10%

1 year ago

Financing can be useful. Although interest and fees are incurred, you can leave the money as long as you have still worked to earn a return.

If you have more returns than costs, it’s worth it. However, there is a risk, since, depending on the investment form, a return cannot be guaranteed at a corresponding level or even threaten additional losses.

Of course you have to be the guy for that. I’d probably feel more comfortable with it right away to have paid.

What makes sense is therefore dependent on the circumstances in individual cases.

1 year ago

When buying a car in an action 0 percent interest rate makes sense when you get interest on the money at the same time. Often you can turn at the price ” if you buy the car directly.

1 year ago

In case of a rate payment, interest is always incurred. So if you have money to give, you can prefer the rate payment.