Was ist beim Bauchtanz wichtig?
Welche Körperstellen sollten betont werden
Welche Körperstellen sollten betont werden
Hallo, Wie könnte diese Frisur heißen? [Bild durch die Moderation entfernt]
Hi die Titel verwirrt warscheinlich ein eher ein bisschen aber wie kann ich innerhalb der Familie am besten nackt sein. meine Familie ist eher sehr verschlossenen was das Thema nackt sein angeht. Und ich würde sehr gerne mehr nackt sein aber traue mich nicht. bitte nur ernsthafte Antworten und danke schon mal im Voraus.
Hey ich suche gute lieder für garde Einmarsch aber ich finde nicht wirklich was hat jemand gute songs die langsam mit ein paar schlägen anfangen und dann schneller zum marschieren wird bitte keine traditionelle garde musik eher so moderne songs die man auch im radio hört oder so
Z.b. weil die Person noch sehr jung aussah.
At abdominal dance, the hip is the decisive body.
This is why a special cloth with metal platelets is used to emphasize the spot both visually and “auditively”:
But the belly too?
Well, until you can involve the abdomen, you train for a long time. First comes the hip and the arms, then chest, shoulders and head.
The abdominal is the most difficult and is only taught at the end (naja, was at least with me the case, there are also other approaches…).
No, look has no influence on you. Just your thoughts. 😉
Yes, but this is difficult when they stare at my navel
That’s why you probably got cramped while dancing, and then the movements didn’t agree. You have to move naturally and freely.
Well, I don’t think he’s such a big hole.
Yeah, you see.
Yes she said my navel was a real eye-catcher
I suppose she wanted to motivate you. In the abdominal dance it is about celebrating feminity and showing itself confident.
She said I have a beautiful belly that you can show well
OK should the belly button be visible?
Well, as a rule, you dance without a bubble. And as you move (at the beginning) all around, the belly is, of course, the “constant” in this story.
But I don’t know what she might have meant.
Thanks for the info
My teacher told me to put the belly in the scene
I’ve visited a weekend seminar in abdominal dance, and the whole body was stressed! – As simple as it looks, it really isn’t, and I was completely KO after this weekend.
I started with abdominal dance is full of fun,in the youngest in the group
Well, keep fun!
No, this is the big error in abdominal dance, – it comes to the whole posture!
Thank you to look more at the belly, so that the belly is a beautiful eye-catcher
A beautiful belly and a beautiful deep belly button like your or mine
Belly-free tight top and tight pants for the Knack ass.
Guess why it is abdomendance means The dance isn’t called shoulder dance or leg dance.